VIA CHRISTIAN POST: Worshippers pray during a mass at the Liuhe Catholic Church in Liuhe village on the outskirts of Qingxu county, northern China, in this undated photo.
By Theodore Shoebat
In the land of China, in the Zhejiang province the Chinese communists has stripped over 1200 crosses since 2013. Now, for the first time, hundreds of thousands of Christians are taking the streets to openly rebel against the communist onslaught. In Wenzhou, which is in the area of Zhejiang, there are about 300,000 Catholics and over a million Protestants. For this reason, Wenzhou has earned the title of the “Jerusalem of the East.” The Catholics, being led by their 89 year old bishop, Vincent Zhu Weifang, and 20 other priests, are making precedence and doing something that has not been done before, and that is to take Christian defiance to the streets.
One source said:
They were moved to see the bishop leading the struggle to retain the symbol of their faith
A two hour protest commenced on the streets, and police watched as it transpired. Protestant preachers “are encouraging their congregations to peacefully oppose the removals by placing homemade wooden crosses in their homes or on their cars”. One pastor said:
Each time they take a cross down, we will put more up… We are even considering making flags and clothes with cross patterns. We will make the cross flourish throughout China.
The servants of the devil hate the Cross, because it is the image of the Christian Faith, and the image of our Hope. This is why it is just beautiful to see people defending the Cross, making crosses and bearing them with pride.
According to another report:
Chinese Bishop Vincent Zhu Weifang of Wenzhou was joined by 20 other priests in a protest outside government offices in Wenzhou city to stop the cross-removal campaign in Zhejiang province.
The appearance of Bishop Zhu, 89, who walks with a cane, leading the July 24 protest inspired many local Catholics, sources told
“They were moved to see the bishop leading the struggle to retain the symbol of their faith,” a source said.
The protest lasted about two hours. Several police officers appeared at the scene but did not take action, according to eyewitnesses.
Church officials decided to stage the protest after holding a diocesan meeting earlier in the day.
Prior to the July 24 protest, eight clergy from Zhejiang sought help from Church officials in Beijing to lobby the government to stop the cross removal campaign, a source said.
Bishop Zhu issued an open letter last August, calling on Catholics to defend their rights and dignity in the face of the cross-removal campaign. Unlike their Protestant counterparts, today was the first time the Catholic Church took the cause to the streets.
Zhejiang has a Catholic population of 210,000 with Wenzhou diocese being the largest. Wenzhou is also a stronghold of the “unofficial” Church community with about 120,000 members.
Meanwhile, the unofficial Catholic community in Yongqiang area called on all parishes to pray and fast as a nonviolent protest for their right to celebrate their faith.
This is absolutely beautiful, and I believe it overshadows something greater to come, and that is the light of Christianity eventually overthrowing what is left of atheist powers, and overflowing with its beauties throughout the land. Let us pray that God will guide this movement to the conforming of China to the Way, the Truth and the Life!
We have to prepare our minds and intellect for this spiritual war that we are in. This is why I made a 2-disk DVD series on teaching the warring spirit of the Christian Faith.
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You will not be dissatisfied after watching this lecture, and Bible studies will forevermore never be the same again.
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