Act Out! [23] - The LA special: Peter Joseph, Matt Sedillo & Lil Haydn

Act Out! [23] - The LA special: Peter Joseph, Matt Sedillo & Lil Haydn

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are agents of a revolt, from the left and the right, fueled by anger at those who have had power over our economic and political system since the start of the 1980s.

The majority of money raised for the 2016 presidential race has come from those giving $100,000 or more.

According to financiers, the only way out of the island's economic mess is to eliminate the minimum wage, sell off public assets, lay off teachers, shutter schools, cut workers’ vacation and benefits, and raise sales taxes.

Yep, we have one helluva all star creative activist lineup for you this week!

If you make the right to strike so much harder to realize, you change the balance of power between the employer and employee.

“This is the first time fracking activists have got together on this scale internationally – from Kurdistan to Brazil, from Ukraine to Portugal and Algeria," says Catriona of Ireland, who attended the recent Frackanpada.

6 days 3 hours ago

Through discovery of place, through story, and through personal connection with people along the way, we are journeying 1,100 miles to the tar sands of Alberta – and are asking for your support in our venture.

5 days 3 hours ago

Activists dangling by ropes from the city's tallest bridge, and kayakers on the water below, blocked the icebreaker from heading to the Arctic for a drill operation.

2 days 19 hours ago

"I tell you what, I wish instead of spending so much money on [incarcerating people], they'd come fill some of these crater holes behind my house."

6 days 2 hours ago

Dozens of kayaktivists took to the water to block Shell's Fennica ice breaker from leaving port, while a group of 13 climbers rappelled off a bridge in Portland, Oregon, with enough supplies to last days if needed.

6 days 2 hours ago

America's overstretched military has hired hundreds of private-sector contractors to analyze top-secret video feeds and help track suspected terrorist leaders – a secretive industry worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

“This is the first time fracking activists have got together on this scale internationally – from Kurdistan to Brazil, from Ukraine to Portugal and Algeria," says Catriona of Ireland, who attended the recent Frackanpada.

"I tell you what, I wish instead of spending so much money on [incarcerating people], they'd come fill some of these crater holes behind my house."

Robert Reich (A…
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Robert Reich (A…

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