The US president wants to get the green light to use military force against the Islamic State. The mandate should last for 'three years'.

President Barack Obama sent to Congress a proposal to ask for authorization to use military force against the Islamic State, which represents "a serious threat to the people and the stability of Iraq, Syria, the entire Middle East and for American national security. If this will not be countered, this will pose threat not only in the Middle East but also in our country. "In Congress, Obama called for a term of office of three years does not provide geographical limits and does not exclude the use of US troops in the field.

«Banned permanent offensive combat operations»

In the text of the White House seeks approval of operations that exclude "a lasting offensive with ground troops" and limits the commitment to three years. On the ground troops was used then to a formula deliberately ambiguous, that does not exclude the possibility of limited, targeted interventions in an attempt to arrive at a compromise proposal with which the Obama administration hopes to win the support of both the Democrats who fear the idea of a new intervention on a large scale that the Republicans do not want to completely rule out the use of ground forces if they will be needed to defeat the Isis.

«Together to counter the threat»

In the three-page letter sent to Congress Obama asks to "show to the world to be united in our determination to combat the threat." Is the first time that the Congress, which as you know has the prerogative to declare war, the so-called "war powers", is called to formally authorize a military operation since 2002, when it approved the request of George Bush to attack' Iraq. The new authorization will suspend this, but continue to maintain that passed after the September 11 attacks to authorize the anti-terrorist operations, and that, according to the Obama administration, has so far provided the legal framework to operations against the Isis .

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