Muslim Terrorists’ Dhimmi Sycophant Attorney Lectures Christians to Stop Being Intolerant of Islam
Muslim Terrorists’ Dhimmi Sycophant Attorney Lectures Christians to Stop Being Intolerant of Islam

In a shameless and sickening justification of mass murder, attorneys for dead Muslim terrorists Syed Farook and Tashfin Malik Attorney Moh...

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Cult Leader Rapes Numerous Women And Enslaves His Own Daughter For Thirty Years. Another Reason Why Dangerous Cults Need...
Cult Leader Rapes Numerous Women And Enslaves His Own Daughter For Thirty Years. Another Reason Why Dangerous Cults Need...

By Theodore Shoebat A cult leader in the UK has been convicted of raping several women and of even enslaving his own daughter for thirty...

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Day after Muslim terrorist attacks in California, US Attorney General says jail Americans who don’t stand with Islam
Day after Muslim terrorist attacks in California, US Attorney General says jail Americans who don’t stand with Islam

Speaking barely a day after the horrific terrorist attack in California, Obama-appointed Attorney General Loretta Lynch said at the annu...

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Santa’s Horned Helper: The Fearsome Legend of Krampus, Christmas Punisher
Santa’s Horned Helper: The Fearsome Legend of Krampus, Christmas Punisher

In ancient times, a dark, hairy, horned beast was said to show up at the door to beat children, and carry them off in his sharp claws. The ...

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