In a shameless and sickening justification of mass murder, attorneys for dead Muslim terrorists Syed Farook and Tashfin Malik Attorney Mohammad Abuershaid and Dhimmi sycophant Attorney David Chesley of the law offices of David S. Chesley lectured Christians that they need to be tolerant of Islam. They even had the nerve to lecture Christians about mercy and forgiveness on national television.

From Liveleak via Youtube, with the quote beginning at 1:20:

“Every headline doesn’t need to say “Muslim Massacrer” or “Muslim shooter” because it’s going to cause intolerance and what we need now is forgiveness although this is, there were Muslim people and Muslim families involved in this incident and, um, as a primarily Christian nation I think we are a people of mercy and forgiveness and we need to avoid bigotry, stereotyping, anything we would be uncomfortable happening to us as Christians we should try to avoid doing that to Muslim as well.”


A snapshot from Attorney Chesley’s Linked In Profile:




Who knows? Maybe the next thing they will claim is that Syed and Tashfin were pawns in a grand conspiracy against the American people using Islam as a cover.

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