One-time terrorist turned CIA double agent shares why he thinks U.S. is likely next on (Islamic State) ISIS list
One-time terrorist turned CIA double agent shares why he thinks U.S. is likely next on (Islamic State) ISIS list

By BI: He quotes from the quran that it is “permissible in Islam to kill innocents, even women and children, if it’s done in the cause of...

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SYRIAN AMBASSADOR says: “MORE THAN 20% of ‘refugees’ pouring into the EU likely have ties to ISIS”
SYRIAN AMBASSADOR says: “MORE THAN 20% of ‘refugees’ pouring into the EU likely have ties to ISIS”

By BI: In early September, an unnamed ISIS operative confirmed that an estimated 4,000 covert ISIS terrorists had arrived in Europe disgu...

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Next time you hear a Muslim boo-hooing about the surge in ‘anti-Muslim hate crimes’ in America…show them this
Next time you hear a Muslim boo-hooing about the surge in ‘anti-Muslim hate crimes’ in America…show them this

By BI: According to  FBI crime statistics , anti-Muslim ‘hate’ crimes have actually decreased* to just 16.3% of all religiously-motivated...

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Islamic State (ISIS) releases video warning countries participating in Syrian airstrikes will suffer the same kind of te...
Islamic State (ISIS) releases video warning countries participating in Syrian airstrikes will suffer the same kind of te...

By BI: The terror group also specifically threatens to ‘strike Washington DC’ because of America’s central role in airstrikes in Syria. A...

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DONALD TRUMP: “If I were President today, I would shut down all mosques or place them under surveillance”
DONALD TRUMP: “If I were President today, I would shut down all mosques or place them under surveillance”

By BI: On MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ program, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump talked tough about the terrorist threat in America in the wa...

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Alert Alert Alert Alert !!
Alert Alert Alert Alert !!

FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE – – – – WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!   we cannot make this up!!! to: all the american citizens….not the illega...

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