Make No Mistake About It, All Those Who Believe In Racism And Racial
Supremacy Are Enemies Of Christ
Make No Mistake About It, All Those Who Believe In Racism And Racial Supremacy Are Enemies Of Christ

By Theodore ShoebatWe read the story of Moses, and are brought to wonder at its sublime nature; so many truths are found in its verses; verses of eternal thought, verses of eternity, verses of love and of order. Read the verses, and timeless rea…

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'Black Muslim' Pulls Out Gun And Begins Randomly Shooting People In
Fresno While Screaming
'Black Muslim' Pulls Out Gun And Begins Randomly Shooting People In Fresno While Screaming "Allahu Akbar"

Because Islam has been allowed to rise unchecked in the USA, it has become emboldened and is now attempting to show "strength" over non-Muslims. It always does this throughout history and in all societies without exception, and the pattern is th…

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Muslim Business Offers 'Free African Slave' In Newspaper As First Prize
For A Contest
Muslim Business Offers 'Free African Slave' In Newspaper As First Prize For A Contest

The rise of Islam throughout the world also come the return of Islam's barbaric practices. Once nearly wiped out even in many Muslim lands, practices such as mass slavery are making a public comeback that has not been seen since ancient times.In…

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There Is A Deep Conspiracy To Exterminate Christians In Nigeria, Major
Politicians Are Arming Very Violent Muslim Terrorists To Wipe Out
Christians And Destroy Churches As Part Of Sinister Plan To Erase
There Is A Deep Conspiracy To Exterminate Christians In Nigeria, Major Politicians Are Arming Very Violent Muslim Terrorists To Wipe Out Christians And Destroy Churches As Part Of Sinister Plan To Erase Christianity

There is a deep conspiracy occurring now in Nigeria, in which major politicians are arming very violent Muslim terrorists to slaughter Christians and destroy churches. Its part of a plan to erase Christianity from the region. To learn more about…

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Shockingly Unbelievable: Erdogan's Referendum Victory Is Now Calling On
All Turks To Worship Erdogan As
Shockingly Unbelievable: Erdogan's Referendum Victory Is Now Calling On All Turks To Worship Erdogan As "God"

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Special in Advance)While Turkey decided to resurrect its Ottoman hegemony on Resurrection Sunday by giving Erdogan unlimited powers, Erdogan's main mouthpiece Yeni Safak now declared that all must (literally) obey Erdog…

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