Major Department Stores In The UK Further Submit To Islam As They Add
The Hijab To Their Mainstream Fashion Line
Major Department Stores In The UK Further Submit To Islam As They Add The Hijab To Their Mainstream Fashion Line

The UK is rapidly becoming a Muslim place. Scarcely a hundred years ago "the sun never set(s) on the British Empire," yet now...

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'My Goal Was To Kill Christians' Muslim Nightclub Murderer Declares In
Court He Hates Christians And Wanted To Slaughter As Many As He Could
'My Goal Was To Kill Christians' Muslim Nightclub Murderer Declares In Court He Hates Christians And Wanted To Slaughter As Many As He Could

Abdulgadir Masharipov walked into a nightclub in Istanbul on New Years Eve and began randomly shooting people, killing 39 and injuring ...

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Make No Mistake About It, Black Lives Matter And The African
Supremacist Movement Is Part Of A Major Islamic Conspiracy To Expand
Islam Throughout The United States
Make No Mistake About It, Black Lives Matter And The African Supremacist Movement Is Part Of A Major Islamic Conspiracy To Expand Islam Throughout The United States

By Walid Shoebat When I was referenced to research Yusra Khogali of Black Lives Matter by my colleague at The Right Scoop, I instantly ...

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15 Adults And Children Try To Flee ISIS, ISIS Captures Them, Covers
Them In Tar, And Sets Them On Fire
15 Adults And Children Try To Flee ISIS, ISIS Captures Them, Covers Them In Tar, And Sets Them On Fire

ISIS' dreams of a caliphate are in their death rattles right now, but even as their state is passing away before their eyes they st...

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Government Of Turkey Arrests American Christian Pastor And Throws Him
Into Prison
Government Of Turkey Arrests American Christian Pastor And Throws Him Into Prison

By Theodore Shoebat The government of Turkey recently arrested an American Christian pastor and has cast him into prison, as we read in...

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Devil Worshippers Take Christian Man And His Wife And Demand They
Renounce Christ, The Christians Say No, They Tie Them Up And Submerge
Them For Over 17 Hours In Freezing Water
Devil Worshippers Take Christian Man And His Wife And Demand They Renounce Christ, The Christians Say No, They Tie Them Up And Submerge Them For Over 17 Hours In Freezing Water

In a story out of India, a couple abandoned the blood-sacrificing pagan religion of their tribe and embraced Christ. Their tribesmen we...

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