The People Who Run The World Destroyed Yugoslavia, And Then They
Brought Chaos And Genocide To The Middle East, And Now They Are
Dividing And Destabilizing Western Europe. World War Three Is On The Way
The People Who Run The World Destroyed Yugoslavia, And Then They Brought Chaos And Genocide To The Middle East, And Now They Are Dividing And Destabilizing Western Europe. World War Three Is On The Way

Very interesting. Yugoslavia was divided and fragmented in the 1990s, with the Kosovo War ending in 1999. The Iraq War happened in 2003...

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Michael Voris Threatens Because Of His Video Confronting Him On His
Promotion Of Pedophilia Advocate Milo Yiannopoulos, Declaring: "You
Have Exactly One Hour To Take That Video Down!"
Michael Voris Threatens Because Of His Video Confronting Him On His Promotion Of Pedophilia Advocate Milo Yiannopoulos, Declaring: "You Have Exactly One Hour To Take That Video Down!"

By Walid Shoebat Michael Voris threatened after he posted a video confronting him over his promotion of pedophilia advocate, Milo Yian...

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Catholic Archbishop Declares To City Of San Francisco- 'Homosexuality
And Abortion Is A Living Reflection Of The Hell You Will Go To Unless
You Repent'
Catholic Archbishop Declares To City Of San Francisco- 'Homosexuality And Abortion Is A Living Reflection Of The Hell You Will Go To Unless You Repent'

San Francisco is an American equivalent of Sodom and Gomorrah. The city loves homosexuality, abortion, and all kinds of perversity whil...

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Muslim Terrorist Brutally Slaughters Coptic Christian Bishop With A
Dagger In Broad Daylight And Then Draws Crosses On Himself With His
Blood, CCTV Captures The Entire Ordeal
Muslim Terrorist Brutally Slaughters Coptic Christian Bishop With A Dagger In Broad Daylight And Then Draws Crosses On Himself With His Blood, CCTV Captures The Entire Ordeal

CCTV camera captured an Egyptian Christian bishop being slaughtered by a Muslim in broad daylight. The Muslim man puled out a large kni...

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Massive Crowd Cheers On As Pagans Kidnap Woman And Her Son, They Make
The Son Rape His Mother, Then They Slice Their Heads Off And Drink
Their Blood
Massive Crowd Cheers On As Pagans Kidnap Woman And Her Son, They Make The Son Rape His Mother, Then They Slice Their Heads Off And Drink Their Blood

A woman and her son were horrible tortured to death by a group of pagan militia soldiers after they thought some food she served them, ...

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The Greek Government Wants To Force Its Society To Accept
Transgenderism. Major Christian Leaders In Greece Declare To The
Government: 'You Are Breaking God's Law And You Are Destroying Human
The Greek Government Wants To Force Its Society To Accept Transgenderism. Major Christian Leaders In Greece Declare To The Government: 'You Are Breaking God's Law And You Are Destroying Human Lives!'

The Greek government wants to enforce transgenderism on its society. Major Christian leaders, from the Greek Orthodox Church and monks ...

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