By Walid Shoebat

Michael Voris threatened after he posted a video confronting him over his promotion of pedophilia advocate, Milo Yiannopoulos. Voris told Theodore: "you have exactly 1 hour to take that down." Theodore played the recording of Voris' threat, alongside his own commentary:

Almost all of the conservative media outlets that we were familiar with, have bowed down to Sodom. The whole Western world is being polarized, not by Islam, but by the sodomite agenda. Like a torrent of shadows, all of the political and theological media establishments, even those that claim to be for "family values," are promoting the religion of Sodom and Gomorrah, advancing the most diabolical things, homosexuality and pedophilia.

We had thought that the Catholic conservative establishment, Church Militant TV — which presents itself as a place "where lies and falsehoods are trapped and exposed," had been the last media outlet for true Catholic activism. But, even Church Militant — with its name "Militant" denoting combat against Satan and all of his wiles — has bowed down to the gods of Sodom and Gomorrah. They are now promoting one of the trending sodomites of our time, Milo Yiannopoulos.

So, we decided that we are going to confront Michael Voris. called him, he answered, and they argued it out:

Just yesterday, Church Militant TV posted an interview between Milo and America magazine. Supposedly, so the story goes, Milo interviewed with America magazine which then reneged from publishing it. Church Militant, to further aid Milo, published this interview, which is utterly diabolical. Prefacing the interview, Church Militant writes in regards to Milo:

we [Milo and Church Militant] are on the same page with regard to the unchanging teachings of the Church and opposing Catholics who would try to change Christ's teachings to make them more comfortable.

We took a snapshot of this post by Church Militant, and underlined this sentence:

So, according to Church Militant TV and its leader, Michael Voris, Milo, this sodomite who promotes pedophilia, eugenics and homosexuality, is someone who upholds the teachings of the Church. Milo is a major promoter of pedophilia who participated in pedophile parties in Hollywood. To quote Milo:

“The relationships with those with older men have helped those young boys discover who they are. And give them security and safety, provide them with love and reliable and sort of a rock. Where they can’t speak to their parents.”

To expose this further, Milo, someone who promotes Hitlerian sodomite eugenics, is on "the same page" with Church Militant and Michael Voris. Milo, the eugenist sodomite of the right-wing, writes: “gay men are smarter. we test higher for IQ than our heterosexual counterparts. Intelligence allows us to ‘transcend’ our evolutionary programming".

Voris' excuse is that Church Militant was simply posting an interview that America magazine refused to publish. But so what? There is no context, in which presenting the work of a pedophile, sodomite and eugenist, is good.

Voris, and Church Militant, have revealed that, while they cover themselves with Catholicism, they are part of the sodomite satanic underworld that so pervades and controls the society.

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