Muslim Suicide Bomber Goes Into Christian Neighborhood And Blows
Himself Up, Kills 26 People
Muslim Suicide Bomber Goes Into Christian Neighborhood And Blows Himself Up, Kills 26 People

A Muslim suicide bomber went into one of the largest Christian neighborhoods in Pakistan and blew himself up, killing 26 people accordi...

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L, G, B, Or T, It Does Not Matter What Letter Because The LGBT End Is
Burning In Hell
L, G, B, Or T, It Does Not Matter What Letter Because The LGBT End Is Burning In Hell

Right now there is a "controversy" going on because of Trump's "ban" on men who want to pretend they are women:...

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Germany Now Wants To Destroy The Voting Rights Of Poland In The
European Union
Germany Now Wants To Destroy The Voting Rights Of Poland In The European Union

Germany, the head of the European Union, wants to destroy the voting rights of Poland in the EU. Germany is using a law recently passed...

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Turkey's ErdoÄŸan Not Only Wants Control Over Jerusalem But Is Now
Demanding Germany Return The Altar Of Zeus Which Many Christians
Believe Is "The Seat Of Satan" (Revelation 1)
Turkey's ErdoÄŸan Not Only Wants Control Over Jerusalem But Is Now Demanding Germany Return The Altar Of Zeus Which Many Christians Believe Is "The Seat Of Satan" (Revelation 1)

By Walid Shoebat Israel’s decision to remove metal detectors from Al-Aqsa Mosque that offended Muslims is "a step in the right dir...

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Major Conservative Islamic TV Hostess Known For Bragging About The
Hijab Caught On Camera Unveiled And Guzzling Beer In Public While On
Major Conservative Islamic TV Hostess Known For Bragging About The Hijab Caught On Camera Unveiled And Guzzling Beer In Public While On Vacation

  Azadeh Namdari is a famous TV hostess in Iran known for her conservative views and promoting Islam and Islamic law, especially the Is...

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Lesbian Jailed After Pretending To Be A Man And Sexually Assaulting
Woman She Met Online With Fake Penis
Lesbian Jailed After Pretending To Be A Man And Sexually Assaulting Woman She Met Online With Fake Penis

A woman in the UK has been arrested and convicted after she pretended to be a man and then had sex with the other woman using a fake pe...

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