Catholic Bishop Excommunicates All Homosexuals In His Diocese, Orders
All Priests Under Him To Withhold The Sacraments Unless They Repent
Catholic Bishop Excommunicates All Homosexuals In His Diocese, Orders All Priests Under Him To Withhold The Sacraments Unless They Repent

In light of the relentless onslaught on Christian morality from the LGBT, Catholic Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Springfield Diocese ha...

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Dennis Prager Supports And Defends Pedophilia, And Declares That The
Bible Teaches That Men Can Be Happy Sodomizing Boys, And Says That He
Is Interested In Gay Romance Stories
Dennis Prager Supports And Defends Pedophilia, And Declares That The Bible Teaches That Men Can Be Happy Sodomizing Boys, And Says That He Is Interested In Gay Romance Stories

Dennis Prager has revealed his true evil agenda: normalizing homosexuality and pederasty. In a recent interview he declared that the Bi...

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Six-Year-Old Christian Girl Kidnapped By ISIS Found And Reunited With
her Family
Six-Year-Old Christian Girl Kidnapped By ISIS Found And Reunited With her Family

A six-year-old girl who was kidnapped by ISIS terrorists was reunited with her family three years after she was taken captive according...

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Woman Walks Into Bar While Breastfeeding Her Child And Tries To
Prostitute Herself In Exchange For Free Drinks
Woman Walks Into Bar While Breastfeeding Her Child And Tries To Prostitute Herself In Exchange For Free Drinks

A former pastor and his wife were recently arrested at a bar after his wife brought her baby into the bar while breastfeeding her and b...

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Muslim Teacher Forces Young Christian Girl To Pray Islamic Prayers In
Classroom To Pass Her Class, Tells Her To Forget About Jesus
Muslim Teacher Forces Young Christian Girl To Pray Islamic Prayers In Classroom To Pass Her Class, Tells Her To Forget About Jesus

Recently, a young girl who converted from Islam was forced to pray Islamic prayers in a classroom by her teacher in order to pass a cla...

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American Catholics And Protestants Unite To Oppose Arrest And
Deportation Of Middle Eastern Christians
American Catholics And Protestants Unite To Oppose Arrest And Deportation Of Middle Eastern Christians

In light of the recent deportation measures taken against Christians from Michigan, many who have lived in the USA for decades, Catholi...

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