The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle- How The West Sold Its Soul To Islam
The Genie Is Out Of The Bottle- How The West Sold Its Soul To Islam

John Griffing at American Thinker has penned a thoughtful piece about the decline of the West and Islam’s subsequent rise. As he notes i...

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Watch 1,400 Employees learn their jobs leaving Indiana and going to Mexico
Watch 1,400 Employees learn their jobs leaving Indiana and going to Mexico

GOP Frontrunner Donald Trump has been talking about this for the last seven months. This is outrageous and it’s happening, this is not fake....

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Amazing! Ultra-Liberal VICE Magazine Does A Phenomenal Documentary About Muslims Who Have Risked It All To Leave Islam
Amazing! Ultra-Liberal VICE Magazine Does A Phenomenal Documentary About Muslims Who Have Risked It All To Leave Islam

VICE Magazine is not known for its support of virtue, as we know well here at Shoebat.com . Indeed, it tends to cover and support storie...

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“10,000 Missing Refugee Children Have Been Sold Into Sex Slavery Or Harvested For Organ Trafficking” Muslim “Leader” In ...
“10,000 Missing Refugee Children Have Been Sold Into Sex Slavery Or Harvested For Organ Trafficking” Muslim “Leader” In ...

We profiled  Central Council of Muslims In Germany President Ayman Mazyek last month on Shoebat.com for blaming the Muslim mass rapes t...

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“Our Orders Have Tripled Since After New Years” Arms And Weapon Dealers Throughout ALL Europe Reporting Record Profits A...
“Our Orders Have Tripled Since After New Years” Arms And Weapon Dealers Throughout ALL Europe Reporting Record Profits A...

Arms sales have reached record numbers in Germany, but in a recent report from Euronews, arms and weapon sales overall have TRIPLED throu...

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“Of Course We Want Our People To Come Back. The Western Governments Caused This Migration.” Must Read Interview With Syr...
“Of Course We Want Our People To Come Back. The Western Governments Caused This Migration.” Must Read Interview With Syr...

President Asad of Syria has been under attack from the United States and other western governments for almost a decade now. Regardless o...

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