An investigation of data found in the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has revealed that extremely high numbers of adverse reactions and deaths have been reported against specific lot numbers of the Covid-19 vaccines several times, and now further analysis suggests each state received very different quantities of the most harmful batches.
The data used in the further analysis was pulled from the publicly accessible VAERS database which can be viewed here. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a United States programme for vaccine safety, co-managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The programme collects information via reports made by doctors, nurses, and patients about adverse events (possible harmful side effects) that occur after administration of vaccines to ascertain whether the risk–benefit ratio is high enough to justify continued use of any particular vaccine.
The reports pulled from the database were ones that had been submitted up to October 15th 2021 and they included all adverse reactions reported against the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA Covid-19 injections, and the Janssen viral vector injection.

The above chart shows the total adverse event reports by each state in the USA. As you can see there is a broad variability in the number of adverse events reported per state. The most adverse events have been reported in California at nearly 40,000, followed by Florida at nearly 25,000 and Texas at approximately 23,000.
The lowest number of adverse events have been reported in Wyoming with less than 1,000 reports made. This could of course be explained by the number of vaccines administered per state. However, when adjusting the figures to a percentage of adverse event reports per number of doses administered an unexplained variability still remains.

The above chart shows the percentage of reported adverse events against the number of doses administered in each state. The average adverse event rate is 0.09% / 9 adverse event reports for every 10,000 doses administered, and as you can see the chart tells a completely different story on which states have suffered the most due to adverse events caused by the Covid-19 vaccines.
California now appears to be one of the least affected states when the number of doses administered is taken into account, whereas Indiana now appears to be the most affected state.

The above chart shows the number of adverse events reported against specific lot numbers in the state of Indiana, the state identified as having the highest number of adverse events per doses of Covid-19 vaccine administered.
The ‘lot number’ is a specific string of numbers and letters that tracks a specific batch of vaccine from production and into a persons arm and it is usually found on a vaccine label or accompanying packaging.
As you can see a select few lot numbers have abnormally high numbers of adverse event reports made against them, and we actually see this across every state in the USA.

The above table shows the top 20 most harmful lot numbers in the state of Indiana. The worst lot number is 013M20A and attributed to the Moderna mRNA injection, and has so far proven to be almost three times as harmful as the 20th most harmful lot number EN6201 attributed to the Pfizer mRNA injection.
But when we analyse the most harmful lot number in Indiana across every state to have reported adverse events against it we actually find that it does not appear to be dangerous in every single state.

The above chart shows that lot number 013M20A has caused the most harm in Indiana, followed by California, Texas, and then Ohio, but in states such as West Virginia, South Dakota, and Connecticut it has done very little harm, and the same can be said for all of the lot numbers identified as most harmful, because no single lot number shows as dangerous in more than 5 states.

The table identifies the most harmful lot number of Covid-19 vaccine in each state and it shows that most of them were only the most harmful in a single state, whilst just two lot numbers were harmful in a maximum of 5 states.
Is this because vastly different quantities of dangerous lots are distributed to each state across the USA?

The above chart shows the average number of reports per lot and the maximum number of reports received for a single lot number of Covid-19 vaccine in each state across the USA per 1 million doses administered. As you can see the average number of adverse events per lot is broadly similar across each state. However, there are several lots that seem to be much more harmful than others, with Pfizer lot ER2613 being the most harmful, and the adverse events occurring in Oklahoma.

But as you can see from the above chart Pfizer lot ER2613 has very few adverse event reports in other states compared to the 800+ adverse event reports made against it Oklahoma. The 2nd worst affected state is Indiana with approximately 250 adverse event reports made against Pfizer lot ER2613.

Even after adjusting the number of adverse event reports against the number of doses administered in each state, a large unexplained variability still remains.

The same pattern can be seen for other lot numbers associated with an unusually high number of adverse event reports. The above chart shows the number of adverse event reports by state made against Moderna lot 007M20A. As you can see the highest number of adverse events were reported in California with approximately 340 reports, followed by Wisconsin with just over 200 reports. But only a few other states have made just over 100 reports against lot 007M20A, with most states reporting less than 50 adverse events due to the lot.

Again the same can be seen when adjusting the number of adverse event reports against the number of doses administered, the only difference here is in which state appears to have been the worst affected.
This investigation of VAERS data reveals several concerning findings which warrant further investigation, but it also leads to questions of why authorities within the USA, which are supposed to monitor the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines, have not discovered this themselves.
It is now abundantly clear that the number of adverse event reports per lot number of Covid-19 vaccine are not normally distributed. The question is, is this being done on purpose? Or is it purely just another coincidence, such as the fact that the deadliest batches of Covid-19 vaccine were disproportionally distributed to red states?
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