A report has revealed that millions in the UK were tracked by their phones without their knowledge after they received the Covid vaccine.

Phones were tracked without consent as part of a government study into how their movements changed post-injection.

According to the report which was leaked by The Telegraph, data from one in ten phones in the UK was tracked in February.

The phone data was used by researchers at Oxford University who were carrying out studies for the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours (SPI-B), which advises the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).

Oxford scientists used ‘cell phone mobility data’ for one in ten of the British population and figured out that over 4,254 people had received a jab.

The scientists then tracked the vaccinated group using call data records and monitored certain locations for the week before and after vaccination to determine whether a change in movement could be detected.

The movements of the monitored vaccinated group were compared against a control group and scientists found that their “average pre-vaccination mobility increased by 218 metres.”

According to a government source, people were not tracked at an individual level, data was anonymised, and it was not possible for scientists to identify those who were being monitored.

The source said that it was GPS tracing and the study was given the green-light by an Oxford University ethics committee.

Privacy campaigners who are battling state surveillance raised their concerns over the report, stating that the British public will be “disturbed to discover they were unwittingly tracked and subjected to behavioural analysis via their phones.”

Silkie Carlo, a spokesman for Big Brother Watch, told The Telegraph: “No one expects that by going to get a vaccine they will be tracked and monitored by their own Government.

“This is deeply chilling and could be extremely damaging to public trust in medical confidentiality.

“Between looming Covid passports and vaccine phone surveillance, this Government is turning Britain into a Big Brother state under the cover of Covid. This should be a wake up call to us all.”

In response to the leaked report, a government spokesman said: “All the data sets used in this research are set out in the paper, which makes clear that the mobile phone location data used is GDPR-compliant and has been provided from a company that collected, cleaned, and anonymised the data.

“The data is at cell tower rather than individual level. The researchers were granted access to the dataset under a research contract with ethical approval provided to the researchers from the University of Oxford, working on behalf of SPI-B.”

It will be of no surprise that this news will be hastily swept under the carpet and will be forgotten by the majority, who will blindly roll up their sleeves to accept experimental “vaccines” that have caused over 851,756 adverse reactions so far…

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source https://dailyexpose.co.uk/2021/05/31/uk-government-secretly-tracked-vaccinated-brits-phones-after-covid-jab-to-see-if-their-behaviour-changed/

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