In an article put up by former homosexual turned Catholic and anti-homosexual activist, Joseph Sciambra noted how St. Patrick- St. Anthony Church in Hartford, CT is promoting a blasphemous book by the homosexual activist and Episcopal "priest" Patrick Cheng called "From Sin To Amazing Grace: Discovering the Queer Christ" in which he perverts Christian doctrine and uses it to promote and justify the worst of LGBT ideas, concepts, and behavior, even going so far as to call Christ, "queer":

“The LGBT Book Group,” which is part of “The Open Hearts LGBT Ministry” at St. Patrick – St. Anthony Church in Hartford Connecticut, is currently reading “From Sin to Amazing Grace: Discovering the Queer Christ” by Patrick Cheng.

The Parish is staffed and overseen by the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Name Province; their Provincial Office is located in New York City. The Friars also operate gay-affirmative ministries at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in the Archdiocese of New York, at the St. Anthony Shrine in Boston, and at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Raleigh. St. Francis of Assisi Parish has a long history of radical gay-approval: sponsoring “Pride” masses to coincide with the New York City gay “Pride Parade, gay-affirmative lectures and retreats, and a recent Mardi Gras party at a local gay bar. The LGBTQ Spirituality Group at the St. Anthony Shrine has held discussions on “Queer Theology,” coordinated events with the gay-affirmative outreach with St. Cecilia’s “Rainbow Ministry,” also located in Boston, and the Coordinator for the Group was one of the signatories on a Call To Action petition which called for changes regarding language in the Catechism referencing homosexuality.

Patrick Cheng is an Episcopal Priest currently stationed at The Church of the Transfiguration in New York City. According to his book “From Sin to Amazing Grace: Discovering the Queer Christ,” although he was raised “a devout Roman Catholic,” Cheng left the Church because he disagreed with the Catholic teachings regarding homosexuality. For fifteen years, he didn’t walk into a church. He wrote: “In those intervening years, I had met and fallen in love with my now-husband, Michael. Through Michael, I had experienced the power of God’s incarnational love in a way that no theology book or doctrine could ever convey.”

Cheng’s book is separated into two sections: the first part being a radical deconstruction of Christian morality away from what Cheng describes as a “crime-based model” to one that is centered on a “Queer Christ.” The second part of the book is subdivided into seven sections:


In his cosmology of the “Queer Christ,” Cheng proposes “seven new deadly queer sins:” exploitation, the closet, apathy, conformity, shame, isolation, singularity. In Cheng’s world view, it is a sin for an LGBT person to not “come-out,” to remain politically inactive in terms of LGBT advocacy, or conform to traditional Christian moral standards with regards to homosexuality. (source)

I am not going to reprint the entire article because it is simply too disgusting. However, it is a necessary look at what the LGBT movement is promoting as "normal" behavior.

Fr. Tom Gallagher

Now this story strikes close to me because I know this church well. As the story notes, he is the pastor of St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church in Hartford, CT. I used to be a regular at their novus ordo masses during the weekday because due the church's location in downtown Hartford close to many large companies, they always had a 12:05 PM mass which I would frequent. Since the Church is administered by a group of Franciscan Friars, Fr. Tom Gallagher, who was mentioned in the article (see above) was one of three who regularly served at mass.

As noted in the story, this church has many different social events, many of which are pro-LGBT and some that are pro-Muslim (I know because they had a close working relationship with Hartford Seminary, which I have written about here as well). As such, I usually would see events the church offered, and if I remember correctly, I remember seeing a name of a priest who came to speak (I did not attend) at what I saw was one of the first openly-announced pro-LGBT events. The priest's name was Fr. Michael Yarbrough.

Msgr. Yarbrough

It was not only until years later when I began working with Ted that he shared with me his horrifying story about how Fr. Michael Yarbrough tried to lure and sexually assault him. This in turn lead to a full-out investigation on Shoebat.com which he exposed a veritable network of homosexual priests operating in the diocese of Austin, TX, you should take the time to read it here.

Fr. Dariusz Oko of Poland wrote a paper back in 2012  in which he  calls out a  "huge homosexual underground in the Church," and says that like the Trojan Horse of the ancient Greek folklore, homosexuality is a problem besieging the Church from within and without:

Thus, I have received news, results of scientific studies, and official documents from both around Poland and various regions of the world, particularly the United States, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Holland and Italy, and, first of all, from the Holy See. I began my work as a struggle against a deadly, external threat to Christianity, but then gradually discovered that the division is not that simple. The enemy is not only outside the Church, but within it as well, sometimes perfectly camouflaged, like the Trojan Horse. We are dealing not only with the problem of a homoideology and a homolobby outside the Church, but with an analogous problem within it as well, where homoideology takes the form of a homoheresy.

So how do you solve this problem? The answer is simple: a return to the ways which the Catholic Church has always taught and handled this problem, which is the perfect balance of mercy with justice.

There is no such thing as a "gay saint", meaning a person who is a practicing homosexual who embraces sin because homosexuality is a deadly (mortal) sin that if one does not stop doing and seek repentance will destroy his soul. This is not about being uncharitable- this is the simple word of God written in the Bible and articulated by the real Catholic saints for centuries. It is uncharitable and unmerciful to not say otherwise, no different than giving a man with suicidal tendencies a knife and telling him to cut his own wrists.

If you want to read a good study for how the Church traditionally deals with homosexuality, read the Book of Gomorrah by St. Peter Damian, who spent his life fighting the homo heresy that plagued the Church of the times in which he lived. There are currently two translations out of this, but I recommend the older one by Winifried Laurier Press because it has a detailed study in the beginning of the book showing how St. Peter Damian's statements on homosexuality go back all the way to the beginning of the Church through the councils and other official documents, proving that what one sees today with the "gay mafia" is a abberant, unnatural, evil growth and needs to be lopped off like the deadly, cancerous growth that it is.

This story just goes to show how deep this network of homosexual clergy runs. As we have said before on Shoebat.com and will say it again, if you have legitimate information about a priest who is engaging in homosexual activity or is involved in abusing children, let us know at Shoebat.com so we can investigate. These homosexuals and child molesters need to be exposed and cleaned out because their refusal to deal with their sins and personal issues is hurting the most helpless of people in the most terrible of ways.

Jesus the Just Judge. To the modern eye, Jesus might look "mean" in this image, but it is an important reminder for all of us. Jesus is perfect love, and in Him perfect mercy and perfect justice are found. Nothing that Jesus says is "unfair" because Jesus IS the standard because He is God. This should make any man, especially those who go about promoting grave evils such as sodomy, think twice about such behavior. God will NOT be mocked, and those who refuse to even make any effort but revel in their perversity will have to face this.

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