Two Florida hospital employees were fired after posting videos of themselves jostling newborn babies and taking photos of them, including one photo of them giving one of the babies the middle finger and calling them "little satans:":

A Navy hospital in Florida has removed multiple employees from work after disturbing photos surfaced on Snapchat on Monday, according to the Florida Times-Union.

One of the photos showed an employee giving a newborn the middle finger with the caption:

“How I currently feel about these mini Satans.”

According to the post, the “nurse” and a friend made the baby dance to music.

Jeanne Casey, a spokeswoman for the Naval Hospital Jacksonville, issued a statement late Monday:

“Naval Hospital Jacksonville’s Commanding Officer sends: We are aware of a video / photo posted online. It’s outrageous, unacceptable, incredibly unprofessional, and cannot be tolerated. We have identified the staff members involved. They have been removed from patient care and they will be handled by the legal system and military justice.”

The hospital said they are working to notify the patient’s parents.

Hospital officials did not say how many employees were involved in the incident. (source)

Not only that, but the posted cell phone videos of them making the newborns "dance" to rap music:

This is an isolated incident, and the nurses as noted have been fired. Certainly, one can only wonder what the nurses were thinking at the time they did this. Indeed, there is the potential for endless speculation. However, what matters here is the underlying principle that these nurses exhibited, which is an absolute disdain for human life, and in particular the lives of those who are most innocent- the unborn and newborns.

But is this to be expected?

As another article has noted, these women were 21 and 23, and according to a recent poll from the Pew Forum, 65% of people under the age of 29 support abortion in most or all cases. In other words, two-thirds of the "upcoming" generation to rule the USA and form policy for the next 40+ years- believes that murdering babies is good and there should be few to no legal barriers against it.

The "fight against abortion" has been going on for over 40 years, and yet as stories like this show, absolutely no progress has been made. Sure, babies have been saved and some people have renounced their support of it, but fundamentally speaking the public overwhelmingly embraces this form of eugenics and the support of it has continued to grow. Likewise, as we have pointed out on Shoebat.com, eugenics is so heavily subsidized by the government because it is a major source of "fresh" body parts for corporate and academic "research institutes," which are nothing more than modern day versions of the human experimentation laboratories administered by mass murderers such as Dr. Jozef Mengele and General Shiro Ishii during the second world war. These body parts are used for experiments involving linkeage between human tissue and electronic machines among many other experiments, and much of the money funding the scientists to carry out these experiments comes directly from the "tech industry" of Silicon Valley as well as advanced military research from the US, German, and Japanese governments.

The government is not going to abolish abortion because the babies which are murdered by abortion are treated like crude oil. Just as crude oil can be refined to produce dozens of commercial products, so are the bodies of dead children used to support dozens of "science experiments" for the many divisions of the "military-industrial" complex warned about by former President Eisenhower as he was leaving office:

This is a major issue of our times that we have been addressing at Shoebat.com because as we have discovered, just like a mansion has many different rooms, that the counter-jihad movement that we have been a part of for decades was actually just one room in the mansion of Darwinian eugenics. What began as a simple investigations into certain small inconsistencies that we noted over the years has blossomed into us uncovering, some of it for the first time publicly, a vast network of scientists, academics, billionaires, governments, and foundations who are using real social crises to promote anti-human ideas ultimately rooted in their individual desires to reduce and enslave the human race to serve their will. They all agree that the majority of men are just cattle for their personal use, and the fighting between them is over who gets to play the role of farmer.

However evil these people are, the fact is that they cannot take power as they desire to without the willing consent of many of the people they want power over. If they want to experiment on babies, for the most part they have to get the average people to murder their babies in their institutions, which is the reason that abortion is so heavily promoted. It is part of a self-reinforcing cycle that like a machine, will continue performing the same function with the same output unless the machine is either broken or peoples stop feeding the machine what it needs.

These women are not billionaires, and neither do they likely have any connection to the people we have mentioned. Indeed, it would be a surprise if they even heard of a fraction of what I have mentioned in passing here. They may not even fully understand what abortion is because they may not believe that human life begins at conception.

All that matters- as far as the special interests above are concerned- is that they accept that abortion is a "right" that must be preserved, and to oppose it is somehow "wrong" or "backwards." That and just to develop a disdain for children, babies, and mothers in general, like that exhibited by these nurses. For it is from this see that the eugenicists- the modern day mass murderers of our time- can continue to run their machinations towards their evil ends.

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