The government of Poland wants to demolish and destroy all memorials that were built in honor of the Soviet soldiers who died fighting the Nazis to liberate Poland. Russia is furious and has promised a response if Poland carries this out. As we read in one report:
The Russian Foreign Ministry has said Moscow will take reciprocal measures if Poland removes monuments to Soviet Army soldiers in line with a recently passed law.
“Polish authorities must realize that their unfriendly actions in the memorial sphere will not be left without consequences,” the ministry said in a statement to Izvestia daily. “Adequate reciprocal measures will be taken against the Polish side and these measures could be of asymmetrical character.”
Diplomatic sources added that the reciprocal sanctions could target particular Polish politicians who sponsored the bill, which could see the dismantling of monuments to Soviet soldiers who died while liberating Poland from the Nazis. Moscow could also use economic leverage as well as intensive work in various international organizations to attract attention to the issue.
The head of the Russia’s upper house Committee for International Affairs, Senator Vladimir Djabarov, said that he would support any restrictive measures against Poland proposed by fellow lawmakers.
Last week, the Russian upper house asked President Vladimir Putin to introduce restrictive measures against Poland in response to a recently approved bill ordering the destruction of monuments to Soviet soldiers.
One of the senators who prepared the address, Oleg Morozov, noted that reciprocal restrictions could come in the form of a visa ban for certain Polish citizens. He also noted proposals to move the monuments to Russia instead of destroying them.
However, Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the president had not made any decisions concerning a possible response to the Polish bill.
The Russian reaction concerns the set of amendments to Polish law on ‘decommunization,’ which was passed by the Sejm in late June. The amendments outlaw any propaganda of totalitarian regimes through any media, including the mentioning of building names or other architectural sites. If the legislation is enacted in its current form, it could result in the destruction of memorials to Red Army soldiers who died liberating Poland from the Nazis.
The motion has caused an angry response from Russian officials and politicians, who described it as an attempt to rewrite history and blacken the memory of Soviet troops.
The Russian Foreign Ministry reacted with an official statement, saying that the recent actions of the Polish government could further strain relations between the two nations. Russian diplomats also noted that the new Polish bill could violate a 1994 agreement between the two nations which provides total protection to monuments that stand near the graves of Soviet military servicemen.
The Russian State Duma and the Israeli Knesset passed a joint address to European parliaments, denouncing the Polish bill as an insult to the memory of Soviet soldiers and Holocaust victims.
It is not right for Poland to destroy monuments built in honor of soldiers who died fighting the Nazis. It is just unethical. I would not doubt that the US government is pressuring them to do this. Poland is getting to sycophantic with NATO and Germany, and it seems that Poland will be attacked again by the Germans as they were over 70 years. If Poland carries this out, its only going to increase tensions between Russia not just with Poland, but with Germany as well, since Germany is at the forefront in Europe against Russia. I believe this goes back to Gladio, the NATO operation that conducted beginning from the late 1940s onward.
Supposedly Gladio was disbanded in the year 1990, after the former Italian Prime Minister, Giulio Andreotti, exposed to the media what the CIA was doing in his own country. Other major politicians in a variety of European countries, like the Netherlands, Norway, Germany, England, etc., also began to inform the media on the Gladio operations that were being done in their own nations.
Could it be possible (and I am speculating here) that this Counterjihad movement is part of the covert CIA operations to create secret paramilitary armies in Europe that were being done from the 1940s onward? Perhaps examining some facts will shift our thinking and our awareness about the various Right-wing movements of our time, and this speculation becomes reality. From 1948 to the year 1990, the CIA, alongside the secret services of European countries, recruited and trained neo-Nazis, even former members of the Nazi Party, to form secret armies to fight the Soviets. It was taking place throughout Europe; in Italy, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, France and even Turkey. The name given to this project was “Operation Gladio.” It was directed from the NATO headquarters in Brussels, the same city of the EU parliament, where the 2007 Counterjihad Summit was done. But the masterminds behind it were the CIA and the British MI6. According to the British military historian, Rupert Allason:
“The people who inspired it were the British and American intelligence agencies.”
In 1985, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), wrote a report, which was archived by the CIA, on how American intelligence agents were working and collaborating with Nazis to counter the Soviets. In one part of the document it reads:
“Lacking an intelligence network targeted against its former ally, the Soviet Union, U.S. intelligence units turned to European anti-Communist resources to fill information gaps. These resources included former German and East European intelligence operatives and East European emigre political groups. Among them were Nazis (including Gestapo and SS members) and members of East European Fascist organizations. They were considered invaluable as informants. For example, GAO [Government Accountability Office] was told that in order to learn more about German communists, U.S. intelligence officers decided to question former Gestapo and SS members who had worked against such Communists.”
Notice what I underlined on the image of the CIA document above: the American government was working with "former German and East European emigre political groups. Among them were Nazis." This is very interesting and revealing, and will be shown to be a central clue in our investigation on the Counterjihad and the rise of Darwinism in the world. This is because major organizations like the Heritage Foundation, the Free Congress Foundation (who Robert Spencer works with and praises), and well known media outlets and activists like David Horowitz of the David Horowitz Freedom Center (under which Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch functions), worked with a Hungarian Nazi named Laslo Pasztor who immigrated to America after the Second World War and began working within Washington under the Nixon Administration.
As we shall see in a little bit, Pasztor was commissioned by the US government to recruit Eastern European Nazis and nationalists to gather intelligence for the CIA and to produce and help spread anti-Soviet propaganda. As we shall also see, Pasztor collaborated with David Horowitz, William S. Lind, and Roger Kimball of PJ Media, to create a documentary on "the history of Marxism" that was produced by the Free Congress Foundation, which was founded by Nazi collaborator Paul Weyrich who hired Robert Spencer in the early 2000s to work for the same foundation.
Eastern European Nazis, working with the US government and with Counterjihad activists and think-tanks, all to go against Marxism, fits perfectly into the Gladio agenda. This also may tie into the fact that, as we showed in our second in depth article on the Counterjihad, Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are working with Eastern and Central European neo-Nazis as part of their "Stop the Islamization of Europe" (SIOE) organization.
“The Grey Wolves group, with which he was associated at the time of the shooting, was linked to an underground network known as Gladio.
This was set up with CIA support in a number of European countries during the Cold War to prepare resistance to a possible Soviet invasion.
In both Italy and Turkey, Gladio networks are believed to have been behind numerous bombings and assassinations.
In Italy, the networks have been exposed and dismantled; in Turkey, they are still widely believed to exist as a so-called "deep state", with support from elements of the military.”
There were numerous attacks carried out by these recruited terrorists in Italy, which were done in order to create propaganda against the Left to make the Right look good. For example, in 1969, a brutal bombing was done in the Piazza Fontana in Milan, in which 16 people were killed and 80 injured. Most of the victims were farmers who, after selling their produce in the local market, were depositing their earnings in the Farmer’s Bank. At first the bombing was blamed on the Left. There were numerous other terrorist attacks in Italy in the late 60s to the 80s, the worst of which was the bombing of a waiting room at the Bologna railway station in 1980, in which 85 people were slaughtered and 200 injured.
These terrorist attacks were done as a way to make propaganda against the Communists, and also to scare people away from voting Left-wing. *To learn more about Gladio, there is an in depth study on this subject written by Swiss historian The CIA documented on the Right-wing terrorists and pointed out that there were indeed Masonic elements running these violent organizations, stated: Neo-Fascist terrorists were involved, including a prominent member of the Propaganda Due Masonic Lodge, which has been involved in a variety of crimes including the murder of journalists.
“In general, neo-fascism in Northern Italy is directed by former officer operating under the name of ‘Colonel M.’ The movement which includes in its ranks General Mario Caracciolo appears to be closely linked with certain Free Mason elements through Generals Navarra Viggiani and Alessandro Piazzoni.”
In a 1993 report published on the Independent, journalist Fiona Leney wrote:
“Those convicted in the original trial included four young neo-fascists, given life sentences for planting the bomb, two secret service officers and Licio Gelli, grand-master of the banned P2 Masonic Lodge.”
The same report documents how the bombings were part of a plan devised by government forces, that is, NATO’s Operation Gladio, in which Right-wing terrorists were recruited for the purpose of creating a secret army. The terrorist attacks were planned out and allowed in order to shift political climate:
“The attacks, usually bombings aimed at slaughtering as many civilians as possible, were initially blamed on the extreme left. Now it is accepted that they were part of a 'Strategy of Tension' intended to scare voters away from western Europe's most popular communist party and into the arms of the Christian Democrats. … In 1984 a convicted neo-fascist, Vincenzo Vinciguerra, was questioned by Bologna investigators. He testified that he had been recruited for an earlier car bomb attack near Venice by Gladio, a shadow army set up by the Italian secret services in the 1950s as part of a Nato plan to create guerrilla resistance in the event of a Soviet invasion or communist takeover in Nato countries. By the time Vinciguerra carried out his attack, in 1972, Gladio was considering pre-emptive action against the increasingly popular Communist Party, according to General Gerardo Serravalle, the secret service chief in charge of the Gladio network.
Forensic reports demonstrated conclusively that explosive from one Gladio arms dump had been used in the Venice car bombing. In Bologna, says Mr Trombetti, experts concluded that the blast, which demolished one wing of the station, was caused by 'retrieved military explosive'. He is reluctant to be more specific but says one can draw one's own conclusions.”
Vincenzo Vinciguerra is currently serving a life sentence for terrorism. He did a car bomb and murdered three members of the Right-wing Carabinieri. The objective of the killings was to make it seem that it was the Left who murdered them. There is a video that you can watch of Vinciguerra explaining Gladio, its recruitment and agenda:
People may ask, ‘Why would the Italian government recruit terrorists for the purpose of causing terrorist attacks, and then put these same recruits in prison?” The answer is that it was not the entire Italian government who was involved, but an inner circle. There is a CIA within the CIA, an FBI within the FBI, a secret service agency within the secret service agency. There are agents who really believe that they are doing a mission for their country, unbeknownst of the schemes being devised by the inner circle of agents higher in the hierarchy.
This deliberate lack of transparency between agents and government officials was revealed by the resolution issued by the EU in 1990, which spoke of “operational bodies which are not subject to any form of democratic control and are of a completely clandestine nature at a time when greater Community cooperation in the field of security is a constant subject of discussion.” It also spoke of how “these organisations operated and continue to operate completely outside the law since they are not subject to any parliamentary control and frequently those holding the highest government and constitutional posts are kept in the dark as to these matters”. Gladio was reflective of the reality of a government within a government, or an outside government manipulating the political climate of nations.
In Operation Gladio, the CIA worked with the mass murderer and torturer for the Nazis, the SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Klaus Barbie, who was so sadistic and cruel in his crimes that people called him "the butcher of Lyon." Barbie was amongst the worst of the worst, a Mengele type. He would decapitate people, and even trained his dogs to mount children. One publication describes his crimes as such:
"fondling women on his lap while whipping his victims, calling into his interrogation rooms naked blondes and German shepherd dogs trained for bestiality."
One report describes his evil actions:
"The crimes for which he was convicted four years ago included a roundup and deportation to death camps of 44 children and seven teachers from Izieu, a village near Lyon, and 86 people at the General Union of French Jews.
He also was found guilty of deporting several hundred people on the last train to leave Lyon shortly before the Nazis retreated, and for his role in individual tortures, deportations and killings of 38 French Resistance activists and 21 Jews."
But what did we do with this butcher? The US government recruited him to conduct their Gladio operations against the Soviets. There is a documentary that recounts this:
US documents further confirm American collaboration with Klaus Barbie.One document states:
“A special 1983 Department of Justice report on Klaus Barbie found that U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence Corps officers had employed him, protected him from extradition to France where he was wanted for war crimes, and organized his escape to South America.”
A report published by the Guardian in 2001 revealed that the CIA had supported neo-Fascist terrorists and that they had received their explosives from Germany:
“US intelligence services instigated and abetted rightwing terrorism in Italy during the 1970s, a former Italian secret service general has claimed.
The allegation was made by General Gianadelio Maletti, a former head of military counter-intelligence, at the trial last week of rightwing extremists accused of killing 16 people in the bombing of a Milan bank in 1969 - the first time such a charge has been made in a court of law by a senior Italian intelligence figure.
Gen Maletti, comannder of the counter-intelligence section of the military intelligence service from 1971 to 1975, said his men had discovered that a rightwing terrorist cell in the Venice region had been supplied with military explosives from Germany.”
General Gianadelio Maletti revealed that an objective of the CIA was to increase nationalist sentiment in Italy:
"The CIA [Central Intelligence Agency], following the directives of its government, wanted to create an Italian nationalism capable of halting what it saw as a slide to the left and, for this purpose, it may have made use of rightwing terrorism… I believe this is what happened in other countries as well.”
Maletti said that the Nixon administration superintended the operation:
"Don't forget that [former US president Richard] Nixon was in charge and Nixon was a strange man, a very intelligent politician but a man of rather unorthodox initiatives."
Nixon’s administration was involved in Operation Gladio and gave full authority to the CIA to direct and conduct covert operations for the US government. In 1970, Nixon signed the National Security Decision Memorandum 40, that stated:
“By covert action operations I mean those activities which, although designed to further official U.S. programs and policies abroad, are so planned and executed that the hand of the U.S. Government is not apparent to unauthorized persons.
The covert actions of the U.S. Government abroad shall be subject to coordination and control by the Director of Central Intelligence. All such covert action operations, unless otherwise specifically assigned by the President, shall be carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency.”
Nixon’s administration worked directly with a Nazi of the Third Reich, named Laszlo Pasztor, a member of the Hungarian Nazi party, the Arrow Cross, which was responsible for the extermination of ten to fifteen thousand Jews, Serbs, Gypsies and others, and for deporting 80,000 people to death camps in Austria. Pasztor was commissioned by the US government to recruit neo-Nazis in Eastern Europe. This operation was in accordance to Gladio, which was to recruit Nazis and far-Right activists and militants. Pasztor would eventually work with Paul Weyrich, the founder of the Heritage Foundation and the Free Congress Foundation, and in the early 2000s, Weyrich would work directly with none other than Robert Spencer, one of the figures invited to the 2007 Counterjihad Summit in Brussels, the headquarters of both the EU and NATO, and from where Operation Gladio was directed.
Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch is ran by the David Horowitz Freedom Center, led by David Horowitz. There is a financial report that shows that the David Horowitz Freedom Center received over a quarter of a million dollars from the eugenist organization, the Sarah Scaife Foundation.
The David Horowitz Freedom Center is an umbrella organization that runs also Robert Spencer’s Jihad Watch. What this means is that both Jihad Watch and the Freedom Center are financially backed by eugenists.
Both David Horowitz and Roger Kimball of PJ Media did a documentary with Pasztor, and it was produced by the Free Congress Foundation, the very organization Robert Spencer worked for and still praises.
Robert Spencer wrote in the acknowledgments section in one book:
“Thanks also to Paul Weyrich, Lisa Dean, Clay Rossi, and all at the Free Congress Foundation”.
These pure and holy Right-wingers, they would not hesitate to scream from the tops of their lungs if a liberal is caught with a terrorist, and all the while they have no hesitation to be in a documentary with a Nazi named Laslo Pasztor.
In this documentary, you can hear what seems to be a sympathy for Nazis and Nazism as a victim of and fighter against Marxism. In one part of the documentary, the narrator, William Lind, says:
“In 1933 when the Nazis came to power in Germany, the [Marxist] Institute for Social Research fled, they fled to New York City, where it was reestablished that same year with help of the President of Columbia University. Once in America, the Frankfurt School gradually shifted the focus of its work from destroying German society and culture, to attacking the society and culture of its new place of refuge.”
Communism is evil, no doubt; but there is a sinister agenda hidden in a lot of anti-Marxist work, and that is to get us to sympathize with Nazism. The Left-Right dichotomy is the struggle between Marxist or International Socialism and National Socialism or Nazism. There is no criticism of Nazism in the documentary, only a remark about how the Nazis resisted Marxism and how the Marxists were trying to destroy “German society and culture,” as if the environment in which Nazism thrived was anything special or somehow superior to Marxism. In the anti-Islam movement, or the Counterjihad, major activists are using the threat of Islam to promote homosexuality and eugenics.
They will say, “Islam hates gays, therefore you should embrace homosexuality.” They will say, “Muslims are genetically inferior because they tend to be from non-White countries where people inherit low IQs.” All of these strategies have been very effective in spreading Darwinism and degeneracy, and the strategy of exposing the evils of Marxism to make Nazism look as if its not as bad is part of this agenda of pointing to an evil to justify another evil.
Before the Counterjihad movement was even established in 2007, Robert Spencer was working for Paul Weyrich, the founder of the Heritage Foundation who hired and conspired with the Hungarian Nazi, Laszlo Pasztor, a leader of the Arrow Cross, the Hungarian branch of the German Nazi Party, who worked directly with the Nazis during the Second World War. He worked as a wartime Hungarian diplomat to Berlin, capital of the Third Reich. After the Second World War, Pasztor spent two years in prison for working with the Nazis.
Pasztor would go to the United States where he would work with the highest levels of government and Right-wing political activism, and that includes activity with Robert Spencer’s mentor, Paul Weyrich.
In 1969, President Nixon permitted Pasztor to create an ethnic Central and Eastern European arm of the Republican Party. Pasztor, with the green light of America, brought in Central and Eastern European Nazis, some of whom were officials of Third Reich puppet governments, and even people said to have been war criminals during WW2. Pasztor moved some of these Nazis into the American Security Council’s Coalition for Peace Through Strength, a government think tank that was extremely influential on the Reagan Administration.
The reason as to why the US was supporting the work of the Nazi Pasztor, was the same reason the US has been supporting Islamic terrorists: it was using them to combat the Soviet Union in Europe. While Pasztor was working for Weyrich, his official title was National President of the Liberation Support Alliance which “seeks to liberate peoples in Central and European nations.” Lets not forget that it was Reagan who said, “Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” before the fall of the Berlin Wall, which indicated the collapse of the Soviet Union in East Germany and the reunification of the German nation.
So it is of no surprise that the Reagan administration was working with a Nazi, since it was the National Socialists of Germany who wanted to destroy the International Socialism of the Soviet Union. The difference between the Right-wing and the Left-wing is but one detail: the Right wants National Socialism, that is, socialism for a particular race; the Left wants International Socialism, that is, socialism for all peoples. The International Socialist says, “the rich have screwed me over.”
The National Socialist says, “The elites have brought in immigrants and foreigners, and for this they have screwed me over.” Either way, they are both the same, and they are both losers. This is the distinction that divides them; everything else, is the same. This is why people like John Tanton and Richard Mellon Scaife will back up eugenist genocide camps like those of Planned Parenthood — an organization loved by the Left — and at the same time they will work with people like Weyrich and his ilk. Robert Spencer is of the Right-wing, but he will not mind working with Bruce Bawer, one of the major pioneers behind establishing “gay marriage” in America, and even publishes his articles on his counterjihad blog. Robert Spencer, a man who says he is Catholic, working with one of the pioneers behind the sodomite movement in the US, an enemy of Christianity and the moral order? Why would this be? Because there is no difference between Left and Right, they are both enemies of the Christian Faith.
According to one investigation, Pasztor said that Paul Weyrich’s Free Congress Foundation provided “him with office space for his work for the Weyrich-sponsored Coalitions for America, that he regularly provides written reports of his activities to Weyrich, who is president of FCF as well as national chairman of Coalitions for America. The Coalitions for America brochure uses a photograph of Pasztor to illustrate the world of the Liberation Support Alliance.” *Russ Bellant, The Coors Connection, p. 32*
I suspect that this was all part of Operation Gladio, a secret NATO plan to recruit an army of neo-Nazis and other anti-Communists in Europe to combat the Soviet Union, and it was all ran from the NATO headquarters in Brussels, through a CIA-controlled organization, the Clandestine Planning Committee. Remember that a part of Gladio was to work with Eastern European emigres from the war, and that includes Hungary.
Pasztor was a main leader of an organization called the Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation (Magyar Szabadsagharcos Szoevetseg). In 1968, New York State representative, Frank Horton, presented before the House of Representatives a statement written by Pasztor and his fellow Hungarian Freedom Fighters. The statement was in response to the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union, Poland and Hungary. The statement demanded for the “the urgent reinvigoration of the NATO Alliance and the updating of conventional armament for the armed forces of the Alliance”. We have images of the report on the statement, which was archived by the CIA:
The Hungarian Freedom Fighters were providing recruits for a paramilitary army to be used to defend against the Soviets, which was exactly what was being done in Operation Gladio. There is a CIA document dated back to 1958 that discusses members of the Hungarian Freedom Fighters Association being recruited.
It speaks of a “General Assembly of the Hungarian Freedom Fighters Association held at Torino, Italy,” a country where Gladio Operations were quite frequent. The document says that “one Tibor Szy reported that he was instructed by General Sandor Andras (former Hungarian Air Force General) to form the nucleus of a clandestine group to operate under cover of Hungarian Freedom Fighters. This group was charged with the last of having suitable, well-trained Hungarian manpower ready and standing by outside Hungary to await future developments. Szy did not submit concrete proposals for implementing such a project but requested to be put in touch with competent U.S. and NATO officers for accomplishments of this project. No action was taken concerning Szy’s request. Szy claimed he was the only authorized spokesman for all clandestine efforts (by order of General Andras) and that all plans should be coordinated through him.”
The document goes on to say that Szy and Andras, alongside three other Hungarians — Lojas Verress, Paul Nemeth and Tibor Onczay — were aware of the mentioned situation. It also says that Szy was “of operational interest to 430th CIC [Counter Intelligence Corps].”
The same document shows that an American colonel named Morton Himmler was recruiting Hungarian Freedom Fighters Association members to help “collect information and spread anti-Soviet propaganda.” Himmler was “to organize a group to spread anti-Communist propaganda.”
There is a CIA document that was initially suppose to be secret, but has since been declassified, on the paramilitary training that the Hungarian Freedom Fighters Association members would undergo. This training included “target shooting, small arms practice”, “training in parachuting”, “communications - Morse code and radio”, amongst other things that are listed in the document, which goes on to state:
“This training is given for the purpose of instructing the members how to harass the enemy behind the lines in case of war, how to commit sabotage, dynamite plants and carry on partisan warfare.”
The CIA report also says that “All able-bodied persons, male and female, not subject to regular military services, up to the age of 60, are obliged to join the Hungarian Freedom Fighters’ Association (Magyar Szabadsagharcos Szoevetseg).”
According to another CIA document, The Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation (Magyar Szabadsagharcos Szoevetseg) was a major paramilitary force with a membership of about 150,000 people by 1954. It merged with the Hungarian Voluntary Home Defense Federation (Magyar Onkentes Honvedelmi Szovetseg or MOHSZ), whose mission was to “give premilitary training to youths approaching draft age … to permit interested persons to gain useful military skills in such fields as gilder flying, vehicle driving, radio operation and maintenance, parachute jumping, and partisan combat training … to disseminate political propaganda among the members … to assist in civil defense organization and training through air defense schools, local courses … and appropriate publications.”
All of these operations are exactly what Operation Gladio was about, and Pasztor was a part of it. Pasztor's operations with the US government, the Heritage Foundation and the Free Congress Foundation, the fact that these organizations would be instrumental in the birth of the Counterjihad, and the fact that a major eugenist, Richard Mellon Scaife, donated tremendous money into these think-tank, really reveals a greater political and eugenist conspiracy behind the Counterjihad.
Spencer still expresses his favor for the Free Congress Foundation, and on his website it says that he is “an Adjunct Fellow with the Free Congress Foundation.” There is a CIA report that shows that the eugenist Scaife donated money to both the Heritage Foundation and Paul Weyrich’s Free Congress Foundation, which Spencer has worked for and still reveres:
Pasztor spoke at a forum co-sponsored by Weyrich’s Heritage Foundation and the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, or ABN. The ABN was founded in 1943, as a body of Nazi paramilitary groups from the Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States, Bulgaria, and Hungary, and they were all fighting for Hitler in the eastern front. According to the ABN, Pasztor spoke as a representative of the “Hungarian organization.” And Weyrich himself would actually travel to Hungary on behalf of his Free Congress Foundation to speak with political organizers. *See Bellant, Coors Connection, pp. 32-34*
A founder of the ABN who worked directly with Pasztor was Ivan Dochev, a Bulgarian Nazi who according to a CIA document served as "Chief of pro-Nazi Legion Brannik in Bulgaria."
Dochev ran an organization called the “Legionaries” which was, according to the same CIA document, “a Nazi organization”. Later Dochev founded the “Anti-Bolshevistic Union”, and as we find in the CIA record, he was “in contact with American intelligence agencies following the end of hostilities in 1945,” and although there would eventually be a spat between the CIA and Dochev, the fact remains that these activities and networkings were taking place, Dochev was working with the Heritage Foundation, and his actions are in accordance to Operation Gladio.
Ivan Dochev was in fact commissioned by the West German Intelligence Service (WGIS) to recruit people to work for them in gathering intelligence against the Soviets. At first Dochev was very hesitant about working with the West Germans, but eventually agreed to meet with George Kostoff and two other German agents in Munich. They promised Dochev that the WGIS would pay him a heavy salary and that they would finance for him a nice big office which they could use as a base. Ivan Dochev recruited Bulgarians as well as Germans and even Americans for the WGIS. Here are some photo shots of the CIA document that shows the names of the recruits and some of the actions taken by both Dochev and the WGIS (I highlighted certain parts that are noteworthy):
Some names of members of the Bulgarian National Front (of which Dochev was the leader) chosen by Dochev for the West German Intelligence Service
As you can see in these two pages of the document, there were a number of Americans and Germans recruited into the WGIS through Dochev:
What is interesting is that Ivan Dochev's organization, the Bulgarian National Front, was under the umbrella organization, the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), which both Pasztor and Paul Weyrich collaborated with. Under this very same umbrella was the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), which is a direct partner with Right Sector, probably the biggest network of neo-Nazis in Eastern Europe. Right Sector actually reveres OUN and sees it as having the same cause as themselves. On the official website of Right Sector, it reads:
"The Right Sector, as followers of the OUN struggle, seeks to restore the Ukrainian State in a high way, which has yielded its results in the times of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Ukrainians must remember the OUN and its leaders as fighters for the will of Ukraine and its nation."
In the 90s Dochev would join the Right-wing Union of Democratic Forces, which but he had a problem: a young and new generation of Right-wingers were taking over the organization, and pushing the older figures like Dochev aside. According to one Bulgarian paper:
"It [Bulgarian National Front, Dochev's party] had to join the Union of the Democratic Forces by following the appeal of the common anti-communist ideology and the advice of the international political experts. However, the handful of rather old activists of the Legions like Ivan Dochev was fully marginalized in the Union by the numerous young, dynamic and quite ambitious representatives of the emerging political counter-elite. They were pressed by the local and international circumstances to avoid nationalism and to choose the profile of liberals and cosmopolitans.
Amongst this newer generation of Right-wing activists was Volen Siderov, the neo-Nazi who is now the leader of the nationalist political party, Ataka. In the 90s Siderov was the editor-in-chief of the publication, Democracy, and he played a major role in getting it to become the official newspaper for the Union of Democratic Forces. What makes this network even more interesting is that the right hand man of Siderov was Pavel Chernev, who was also very active in working with Stop the Islamization of Europe (SIOE), an organization founded by Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer and their Danish Nazi partner, Anders Gravers. We wrote a very in depth article on SIOE, and in it we substantiated its Nazi roots and associations. Chernev was one of the heads of SIOE before he died of a heart attack in 2015.
Here is a photo of Geller's terrorist gang linking the full circle: Pavel Chernev (middle) alongside other SIOE leaders, Jivko Ivanov and Bratislav Živkovic, proudly holding up Geller's SIOE poster, and notice on the side Geller's partner, Anders Gravers praising them:
The NED is a subversive organization that funds pernicious political activist groups to conduct activities against whatever governments America does not like. In a 2014 report, the NED states that it gave $3,381,824 to various anti-Russian and pro-EU groups in the Ukraine, in order to promote animosity towards the Russian government. The NED has also flooded money into the anti-Chinese Islamic Uyghur organizations in China. In a 2014 record, the NED reported that they gave $295,000 to the Uyghur American Association, and another $275,000 to the World Uyghur Congress.
If these activists are being funded to stir things up in Eastern Europe and China, then I suspect the same type of government backing is being done for the Counterjihad movement, given the fact that the Counterjihad as a collective movement was commenced in the EU Parliament in the Counterjihad Brussels Summit, which was organized by the EU parliamentarian and neo-Nazi, Filip DeWinter.
Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, Baron Bodissey, the Norwegian eugenist Peder Are Nøstvold Jensen (commonly known as Fjordman), and numerous others, were present in the Counterjihad Brussels Summit in the EU parliament. The Counterjihad was founded by the EU as, I believe, a vehicle to teach eugenist ideology. The EU helped create the Counterjihad, and the EU helped to create the migrant crises which has been the main energizer for nationalism in Europe.
When Pasztor was working with the NED, he was helping them connect with anti-Russian groups in Hungary. Pasztor acted as both translator for and intermediary between the NED and various Hungarian and Czechoslovakian groups. He even helped these groups gain funds from the NED’s International Republican Institute and National Democratic Institute; he also helped them gain funds from the German Marshal Fund, a major American think thank that promotes German militarism and encourages German military expansion.
The German Marshal Fund is a very interesting organization, in that it is involved in German politics, and what makes them worthy of attention is that they partake in discourse on the increase in German militarism and military expansion. The German Marshal Fund’s advocacy for German militarism, and the events that acted as a justification for the starting of the Counterjihad Summit in Brussels, I believe are correlated together. What was the event that sparked the making of the Counterjihad? 9/11.
There were numerous people involved in exposing Islam before 9/11; my father was a pioneer behind telling the West about Islam, years before the September 11th attacks. After 9/11, various counterjihad websites and groups began to spring up. Many of the people involved in this hated Christianity and even wanted, and still want, to change the whole movement into one that is antagonistic towards Christianity and in favor for homosexuality and eugenics. The year 2007 would mark a very significant point in the history of Counterjihad, in that it became an official and more collective movement. This took place in Brussels, in the EU parliament building, and it was organized the EU parliamentarian and neo-Nazi, Filip DeWinter.
My father was never invited to this meeting, even though he was the pioneer behind combating Islam before any of the people who were invited. The reason for this, I believe, is because the designers of the Counterjihad did not want the movement to be Christian, but atheist or pagan, pro-homosexual and nationalist. My father, being a person who would have taught against Islam for the purpose of defending and advancing the Christian cause, was seen as more of a threat to the movement. The Counterjihad movement was established as a vehicle to promote nationalism, degeneracy and eugenics (the perfect formula for Nazism), under the guise of “fighting terrorism.” It was designed to appear as a response to the rise in Islamic terrorism. The Counterjihad movement had its significant boost in popularity when the immigration crises in Europe erupted in 2014, and I don't believe that this happened by chance, but by design.
Now lets compare it to the agenda of the German Marshall Fund. Its a think tank ran by big time pro-German elites, and it is now promoting German militarism and expansionism. What is the reason it gives for this? The refugee crises. Just this year, the German Marshall Fund produced a report, written by Harold James, entitled, Can Germany Make Globalization?
The paper is about why Germany should increase its military capacity, because, as it says, with a stronger military it could enter North Africa in order to block the refugee routes. In one part of the plan, it says that Germany must adapt to American and British military innovation and buildup, if it is to be a dominate force for globalization:
“In general, defense spillovers created a powerful motor for economic growth. So historically low European defense expenditure may have been an economic drag, rather than a cause of greater European prosperity. The discomfort of high ranking academic and research institutions in the United States and the U.K. in the aftermath of the Trump election and the Brexit vote, and their implications for immigration policy, offer the EU a chance to establish Europe as a global eader. … Military security, cyber security, energy security: these are areas where Europe should take an example from the great era of American success in the late 20th century. They all require coordination, and private-public partnerships.”
In another part it reads: “The more Europe is aware of its insecurity, the greater the chance is that it takes up the challenge.” What is the greatest drive for militarism? A threat. The migration crises brought in terrorism, a terror threat that the German government was well aware of, and allowed it to happen. The threat of terrorism creates the incentive to increase government power, military spending, and arms manufacturing. Terrorism makes politicians into saviors, and the crime of genocide into an act of gleeful justice.
The German Marshall Fund is pointing out that because Europe is “aware of its insecurity,” now it has “the greater chance”, or the incentive, to boost up its military, and to conduct actions that have not been done since the Third Reich.
For example, in 2016 NBC published an article that was headlined with the words: “Germany Debates Putting Troops on Streets to Protect Against ISIS”. Think about this: German soldiers have not been on street patrols in Germany since the fall of the Third Reich. But, now it wants to put soldiers on the streets, to protect itself against, when every government including the Vatican knew that ISIS terrorists were going to be amongst the migrants?
The Germans brought in a problem, knowing full well the consequences. What was the reason? It had nothing to do with compassion, and it had everything to do with an agenda. It is obvious what that agenda is: changing the political climate to favor the strength of the State. One Australian report says: “Germany is to deploy troops on the streets for the first time since the Second World War”. Troops will be on the streets, and few will be complaining, because terrorism desensitizes us to government agendas. Just look at 9/11, and how it stirred the nationalist emotions to believe all the lies spewed out by the US government to justify the destabilization of Iraq.
The German Marshall Fund in fact admits that mass migration will alter the political climate of a nation. On its official website it says:
“Migration is a hotly debated topic on both sides of the Atlantic and impacts elections, policymaking and public opinion on the local, national and European level.”
The statement shows that a major American think tank, one which has ties to the CIA plan to destabilize Syria, knows full well the geopolitical changes that mass migration brings. That the German Marshall Fund understands that a migration crises can be made to justify military expansionism, is shown in its 2017 report where it reads:
“Germany — again in partnership with EU members — needs to secure a stable development of North Africa and the Middle East, but also of countries beyond that immediate region whose weak economic and demographic profile means that they are the source of uncontrolled migration flows.”
The Germans have been wanted to seize North Africa since Medieval times, and it looks like they will be using the migrant crises to yet again start a military advancement on that region.
The German government allowed the migration crises, knowing it was going to cause anger and fear in its own society, and now it wants to expand militarily in North Africa in the name of stopping migration. German military expansion will not anger the general populace of Germany because it will be seen as a means of protecting the German nation.
The current American administration is actually helping the cause of German militarism, although under the guise of pressuring Germany for the benefit of American interests. When Donald Trump says that Germany needs to pay its fair share in defense, the Germans are actually happy about this because it supplies the pretext to boost military spending. With America appearing to want Europeans to be their own defenders, this only sends the message to Germany to further empower itself over the continent, since Germany is the most powerful nation in Europe, and an isolated Europe means a domineering Germany. In fact, in the 2017 report from the German Marshall Fund, it reads:
“A complaint of Trump’s — articulated many times by U.S. policymakers going back as far as the 1960s — is that Europe has been free-riding on the U.S. security umbrella, and not spending enough on defense. The demand for more European defense coordination is legitimate.”
While some German politicians act angry about Trump’s push for Germany to spend more on defense, the reality is that behind closed doors, the Germans are taking advantage of this situation to not just increase its arms manufacturing and production of military technology, but to as well integrate the militaries of other European countries into its own military force. The German military will be integrating a unit of the Romanian military and an elite unit from the Czech military, and it has already integrated a Dutch unit and has agreed to take in another Dutch unit. According to one report published by Foreign Policy:
“Romania’s 81st Mechanized Brigade will join the Bundeswehr’s Rapid Response Forces Division, while the Czech 4th Rapid Deployment Brigade, which has served in Afghanistan and Kosovo and is considered the Czech Army’s spearhead force, will become part of the Germans’ 10th Armored Division. In doing so, they’ll follow in the footsteps of two Dutch brigades, one of which has already joined the Bundeswehr’s Rapid Response Forces Division and another that has been integrated into the Bundeswehr’s 1st Armored Division.”
Germany is already forming its army of auxiliary troops. Germany commenced its road back to militarism in the 90s, when it created the neo-Nazi Albanian Muslim terrorist organization, the KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army), to kill Serbs and spark destabilization in Kosovo so that it could cause war in the Balkans. And this actually does tie in with the Counterjihad.
The wars, in which Serbs fought Croats, Albanians and Bosnians, broke down and fragmented Yugoslavia, the nation that consisted of the provinces of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Albania. The Germans, by arming the KLA, and recognizing Albania and Croatia as independent nations, helped in fragmenting Yugoslavia. It did this because Yugoslavia was a major ally to Russia. Croatia and Albania are pro-German, and so by isolating them as independent nations, it weakened Russian influence in the Balkans where the biggest ally to Russia is Serbia. The forces behind the Counterjihad were all in favor for the fragmentation of Yugoslavia and the killing of Serbs by NATO.
The Center for Security Policy fully supported the the breaking down of Yugoslavia. In 1990, Frank Gaffney wrote an article expressing his backing of the fragmentation of Yugoslavia, and his anger that the United States and the UN were resisting Germany’s efforts to support Croatia and Slovenia in their seceding from Yugoslavia, which was all part of a plan to strike back at Russian influence. Gaffney lamented:
“Immense international pressure has been brought to bear on Germany in recent days aimed at persuading Bonn to foreswear its plan to recognize Croatia and Slovenia by Christmas. In an ideal world, Germany should not do so alone; instead, it should be joined by every other civilized nation. In this less than ideal world, if the United States and others continue to decline to extend such recognition, Germany should not hesitate to press ahead.”
Germany, the nation that amplified to the highest level the genocidal system of eugenics, is now described as a “civilized nation” by Gaffney. During the Second World War, the Nazis dismembered Croatia from Yugoslavia, and the Germans wanted to do the same thing in the 90s, and they succeeded in getting what they wanted. And now all of a sudden Germany has good motives, according to Frank Gaffney? Actually, Gaffney knew that the Germans had nefarious motives behind pushing from secession, writing:
“While Germany is probably largely inclined to do so for the wrong reasons (i.e., out of an ambition to exercise economic and political influence in Central Europe), helping to legitimize the independence of these two democratic and free-market-oriented states is nonetheless the right thing to do.”
In other words, Gaffney understood the dangerous consequences of allying with Germany in their hegemonic ambitions, but he wanted the US to do anyway. It just like the US training Nazis or the Mujahideen: it is obvious that doing so will have very destructive consequences, that it will lead to the formation of imperialist governments, to eugenics and genocide, but they do it anyway, all in a power play against Russia. And this has nothing to do with Communism, because the US supported the Japanese against Russia when it was under the Czar, and he was a Christian monarch who hated Communism.
By supporting Croatia to secede from Yugoslavia, it enabled the pro-Nazi forces to advance and thrive in that nation. Look at Croatia now: pro-Nazi agents, or people who admire and subscribe to the ideology of the Ustaše, are now controlling much of the government in Croatia today. The Ustaše were a Croatian ethon-nationalist cult that worked with the Nazis, and together they exterminated about one million Serbs during the the Holocaust. Now Croatia is seeing an intense return back to this sort of violent ideology.
The culture minister in the Croatian government is Zlatko Hasanbegovic, a Muslim who wants to emulate the Ustaše and revive Nazism in his country. According to one report, Hasanbegovic cut “funds for progressive groups and independent media and endorsing a revisionist documentary film that denies the scale of the crimes committed by Croatia during its alliance with Nazi Germany in the 1940s.” Hasanbegovic even praised the Ustasi as “heroes” and “martyrs”.
The mainstream party in Croatia is the Croatian Democratic Union, or HDZ, founded by Croatia’s first president, Franjo Tudman (who died in 1999). It is currently the largest party in the Croatian parliament (or the Sabor), holding 56 seats, an imposing majority upon the smaller leftist parties. HDZ exhibited some moderation, but in the early 2000s there was a shift to Nazi sympathy and ideology. HDZ began to absorb the smaller Far-Right parties, including the pro-Ustase Nazi party, the Croatian Pure Party of Rights, which was the party that Hasanbegovic belonged to before joining HDZ. The party is able to amass huge numbers for rallies, such as the one that took place in January of last year in which five thousand people gathered together, some of whom chanting “For the Homeland Ready,” the Ustashe version of the Nazis’ Sieg Heil.
Thanks to people like Frank Gaffney, Croatia — now independent — has been working with the CIA and Saudi Arabia to fuel the civil war in Syria. In 2012, when the Syrian War first began, Croatia was one of the biggest providers of arms and ammunition to Islamic jihadists fighting against the Assad regime. According to a 2013 investigation by the New York Times, Croatia sent weapons and ammo through Jordan, with CIA logistical support and Saudi Arabia financing. According to the United Nations, Croatia sent $36 million worth of ammo to Syria through Jordan in the first two years since 2012. Since 2012, Croatia and Saudi Arabia have sent $21 million in weapons, including rocket and grenade launchers, to Syria. Before 2012, such arms trading was non-existent from Croatia.
All of this is because Croatia was dismembered from Yugoslavia and thereby left as a tool of NATO powers, and this fragmentation of the Balkans occurred on account of political measures supported by Frank Gaffney and those like him. Croatia, a German ally, worked with the CIA to arm jihadists to destroy Syria and slaughter hundreds of thousands, all for the cause of neutralizing Russia’s influence in the Middle East — all of this sounds like an operation akin to Gladio. People like Gaffney support terrorists, and when terrorism becomes a headline, they form a “counterjihad movement” which is a vehicle to promulgate eugenics, homosexuality and ethno-nationalism.
In 1999, the Center for Security Policy — a Right-wing think-tank founded by Frank Gaffney which financed the 2007 Counterjihad Summit in Brussels — published an article that expressed bitter anger that the US government was not dropping enough bombs on Serbs to defend the Albanians, and that it was not demanding that the Serbs comply completely with NATO’s terms:
“Slice by slice, the Clinton capitulation is underway. No longer does the president demand unconditional compliance with NATO’s terms, as he did when this fight began. Instead he says, ‘There’s plenty to talk about.’ No longer does he vow to bomb Serbia until Slobodan Milosevic surrenders. Instead he is open to bombing pauses and to negotiations with Serbia’s hard-line ally, Russia. No longer does he declare that a ”NATO force” or even a ”NATO-led force” police the peace in Kosovo. Instead he throws the door open to a UN force so broad as to comprise even pro-Serb, anti-Albanian Russians and Ukrainians.
Soon it will all be over but the arranging of the fig leaves. And on every important principle, NATO and the United States will have lost.”
In April of 2017, I wrote an in depth piece on how Germany was instrumental behind the NATO bombing of Kosovo, and how it pushed the Americans to commence the strike, and how the Germans created the Nazi Albanian KLA. The Germans did this because they wanted to establish their hegemony in the Balkans, and really continue from where they left off in the Second World War. The Germans wanted to control the Balkans in both WW1 and WW2, and in both of these wars they armed Muslims to kill Serbs. In the 90s, wanting to end its pacifism, Germany helped commence the bloody conflict in Kosovo, doing the same thing it did in the World Wars: arming the Albanians to kill Serbs. NATO’s war in Kosovo was essentially Germany’s war to advance its own power and return to militarism. The Right-wing think-tanks like Center for Security, then, were in reality promoting the cause of German military advancement and German militarist ideology that seeks for the establishment of Germanic domination.
Frank Gaffney, one of the godfathers of the Counterjihad, is all for German militarism. In 1990 he wrote an article stating that that the reunification of Germany would bring a stronger German military to combat the Soviets:
“The prospect of a future, real reduction in the conventional military threat facing Western Europe. This will be of considerable strategic significance provided the dismantling of the East German army and integration of 50,000 of its officers (roughly half of the total) and enlisted personnel into the Bundeswer do not wind up greatly reducing the integrity and reliability of those German forces assigned to NATO.”
In 1984, the CIA produced a document in favor for allowing Germany to remilitarize itself and acquire long-range offensive missile systems. The document is entitled, Soviet Views on the “European Defense” Movement, and it was distributed to Frank Gaffney. The document reveals a number of things: firstly, that going as far back as the 80s, the Germans wanted to return to militarism and create a European Union army; secondly, it shows that the CIA and their partner Frank Gaffney, one of the key designers of the Counterjihad, were behind Germany going back to militarism. The document also shows how the Russians were combating this revival of German militarism. The document, in regards to a German-French cooperation at lifting restrictions upon German rearmament, reads:
“West German leaders in particular, while insisting that nothing should be done to undermine Nato solidarity, have made it known that they believe the time is right for closer Western European political and security cooperation. This sentiment within Western Europe has led to some revitalization of the WEU [Western European Union], the seven-member organization formed in 1954 to provide a framework for and to monitor postwar restrictions on West German rearmament. Although the WEU has served mostly as a forum for political consultation, its members, led by France, have tried in recent years to make it into an effective mechanism for coordinating their foreign and defense policies. The French have agreed to Bonn’s request to lift remaining WEU restrictions on West German conventional armaments production in exchange for West Germany’s support for revitalizing the organization. In conjunction with these moves, Paris and Bonn have also stepped up bilateral defense cooperation, most noticeably in the area of joint armament production. At the annual Franco-German summit last May the two countries reached final agreement on joint production of an antitank helicopter and discussed joint development of a military photoreconnaissance satellite.”
The CIA document actually makes mention of Russia’s warning against German remilitarization. It reads that the Soviets affirmed that permitting West Germany to rearm would “pose a ‘threat to the security not only of its neighbors, but also of distant states’ and warned Bonn that ‘negative consequences’ would inevitably arise if it produces its own long-range offensive weapons.”
The document mocks the Soviet’s warning that this remilitarization is due to West Germany’s “self-interested militarist ambitions.”
The document reveals that the Soviet general, Nikolay Chervov, told a a delegation from the German Social Democratic Party that NATO’s decision to allow a West German general to be in charge over nuclear planning signified that the Germans wanted to get nuclear weapons:
Frank Gaffney signed his name on this document, showing his support for German militarism:
Gaffney was working with the CIA in their efforts to revive German militarism all in the name of combating the Soviets. This action is similar to that of the CIA plan of Operation Gladio, in which American and European secret services trained and armed neo-Nazis and Right-wing terrorists to form a secret paramilitary army to fight the Soviets. We can say that Gaffney was involved in the US government’s measures to combat the Soviets. He supported the arming of Muslim fighters against the Soviets, and he supported the remilitarizing of Germany to go against the Soviets. Moreover, Gaffney worked with the CIA partnered eugenist, Richard Mellon Scaife, to form the Center for Security Policy. Gaffney's Center financed the 2007 Counterjihad Summit, and this fact really reveals the link between the CIA and the Counterjihad. On top of this, Robert Spencer worked with Paul Weyrich, the founder of the Heritage Foundation — another think-tank financially established by the eugenist, Richard Mellon Sciafe — who directly worked with the Nazi, Laszlo Pasztor, and collaborated with neo-Nazi groups in Eastern Europe. All of this sounds like Gladio, or at least something like Gladio.
The organizer of the 2007 Counterjihad Summit in Brussels, the EU politician and neo-Nazi Filip DeWinter, also was in favor for fragmenting Yugoslavia, and showed this when he bragged about going to Croatia five times to provide support for their forces against the Serbs:
All of this sounds like something very akin to the CIA's Gladio operation. Baron Boddissy, a key figure in the Counterjihad who was invited to the 2007 Brussels Summit, praised the Danish NATO tank commander, Lt. Col. Lars Moller, for killing Serbs in battle, and mocked the UN for letting him:
“Don’t you just love the UN? If you shoot back at the enemy, you’re ‘overreacting.’ Things haven’t changed much in the last twelve years. … The trouble had begun when the UN representative allowed the Serbs to move tanks into the area from which they had previously been banned. … No wonder Lt. Col. Moller had to be sent home — the last thing the UN wants is somebody displaying a tough stance. …. It’s obvious that the Nordic Battalion deserved the criticism. An aggressive response defeats the purpose of the UN and goes against its mission statement. When your imperative is to have peace at any price, the aggressor holds the trump card, and must be appeased, rather than defeated.”
In the Counterjihad movement there is an obsession with Northern Europe. I’ve been noticing this for years. Its obsessed with the Nordic races, and the Nordic religions. Boddissy wrote an article entitled, “The Men of the North,” in which he says:
“In trying to define Western Civilization, I have often asked the question, ‘Who are we?’ This is part of the answer. When we Americans look at Denmark — and the response of the Danes to the aggressive provocation of the Mohammed Cartoon Crisis — we are looking in a mirror. We would be well-advised to emulate our Viking cousins when our own turn comes.”
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