In a shocking but not surprising story, Vatican police responding to a mere complain about noise ended up breaking up a massive, cocaine-fueled homosexual orgy at the Vatican:

Vatican police have raided a cardinal's apartment where a drug-fuelled homosexual orgy was taking place.

Police entered an apartment at the former palace of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (or Holy Office) last month not far from the Vatican City.

The occupant of the apartment is alleged to be a priest who serves as a secretary to cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio, the head of the Pontifical Council for Legislative texts and a personal adviser to the Pope.


According to the paper, neighbours became suspicious before complaining about irregular behaviour of those coming and going at the apartment.

When police showed up at the apartment, they reportedly found drugs and a group of men engaged in sexual activity.

The priest was then arrested and taken for questioning.

Il Fatto Quotidiano suggested that Pope Francis has been infuriated by the news and may force Coccopalmerio into retirement.

The incident is symptomatic of a difficult period for the Pope. Four years into his papacy the Catholic Church appears racked by conflict and scandal. (source, source)

Interestingly, the apartment in which this sick orgy took place was that of Cardinal Francisco Coccopalermio, who is noted in wikipedia as being one of the cardinals who has been pushing for the Church to legitimize sinful relationship between sodomites as well as to give the Eucharist to people in sinful relationships. Even worse, he was placed by Francis himself on the board that reviews clergy who are accused of sexually abusing children:

On 27 August 2014, Pope Francis named him to a working group tasked with speeding up the process for assessing the nullity of a marriage, that is, that a valid marriage does not exist. Its work resulted in changes implemented by Francis in September 2015, which eliminated obligatory appeals, eased the dismissal of appeals in certain instances, and instituted a shorter process in some cases.[16][a]

Following the first session of the Synod on the Family held in October 2014, he expressed disappointment that not all the participants addressed the pastoral needs of those "who are suffering through problems connected to their relationships" and instead "showed that they simply wanted to reaffirm the doctrine". He provided an example:[17]

We have both doctrine and people to consider. Let's consider a very problematic topic, extremely current: the topic of homosexual couples. If I meet a same-sex couple, I observe right away that their relationship is illicit: that is what the doctrine says, and I reaffirm that with absolute certainty. Nevertheless, if I stop at doctrine, I don't see the people anymore. But if I observe that two people really do love each other, say they practice charity towards the needy... then I can also say that, while their relation remains illicit, in those two people there emerge positive elements. Instead of closing my eyes to those positive aspects, I want to underline them. It is a matter of being objective and recognizing, objectively, the positive points in a given relationship, that is illicit in itself.

He also endorsed the idea of access to the Eucharist for some Catholics in irregular marital situations. He offered the example of a woman who lives with a man who has three small children by a wife who abandoned him. He imagined her coming to Communion "during her father’s funeral Mass, or the day of one of the children’s Confirmation". Fearing the consequences of asking her to abandon the man and the children, he asked: "So would it really be totally impossible to admit her to Communion? In admitting her to Communion, would I be going against the doctrine of the indissolubility of marriage? I really don’t think so: in fact, this has to do with a case of exception."[17]

In January 2015, Pope Francis named Coccopalmerio to a new board of review within the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that reviews appeals from clergy found guilty of sexual abuse of minors.[18] 


Cardinal Coccopalmerio, caught in a cocaine-fueled gay sex orgy and yet is on the commission for investigating priests who sexually abuse minors, appointed by Francis himself. This is a classic case of the "fox guarding the hen house," and it doesn't take much to figure out why he was placed in that position, which is to suppress cases of abuse by sodomite perverts in the clergy.

It doesn't surprise me. Steve Skojec and his crew at One Peter Five, have noted Coccopalmerio's association with priests accused of sexual abuse of minors and homosexuality in ways that were just 'too friendly':

Consider the case of Fr. Mauro Inzoli. Inzoli lived in a flamboyant fashion and had such a taste for flashy cars that he earned the nickname “Don Mercedes.” He was also accused of molesting children. He allegedly abused minors in the confessional. He even went so far as to teach children that sexual contact with him was legitimated by scripture and their faith. When his case reached CDF, he was found guilty. And in 2012, under the papacy of Pope Benedict, Inzoli was defrocked.

But Don Mercedes was “with cardinal friends,” we have learned. Cardinal Coccopalmerio and Monsignor Pio Vito Pinto, now dean of the Roman Rota, both intervened on behalf of Inzoli, and Pope Francis returned him to the priestly state in 2014, inviting him to a “a life of humility and prayer.” These strictures seem not to have troubled Inzoli too much. In January 2015, Don Mercedes participated in a conference on the family in Lombardy. (source)

A couple of points here.

First, The reason we have such strong views about homosexuality is because we are Catholic and as such we believe what the Church teaches and has always taught about homosexuality. We attempt to practice what we preach, and while we admittedly have our failing, faults, places that need improvement and problems, the fact is that wrong is still wrong and right is still right no matter who the person is. Homosexuality is a vile sin that caused God to destroy an entire city by fire from Heaven as an example for all time. This is not a matter to be treated lightly, as Sacred Scripture states and is backed by sacred tradition.

To love God is to love all that is Love and to hate all forms of perversity. As I wrote last year, in order to love God one must also learn to hate evil because evil is a perversity of the goodness that comes from God that must be recified:

This is why God says in the Bible that He hates not only sin, but certain people on account of the fact that they are immersed in sin. He does not hate them for their person- no, God loves them because they are made in His image and likeness. Why He hates them is because they have given themselves over to sin, willfully rejecting God and as a result, love. They are wicked because they are choosing wickedness, and they are evil because they have elected freely to reject God’s perfection, which is love, and instead have chosen perversity. They are evil by their own designs- nobody made them do this.

God hates them because, as I understand, He really does not want to hate them. As it says so many times in the Bible, if these men would amend their ways and return to God, He would forgive them of their sins, pardon them, and bring them back into His house


Christians need to take a lesson from this- hate is a part of human life as much as love is, and the two are related. If a man truly loves something, he must hate that which is opposed to it. That includes both the deed as well as the ones who commit the deed. And at the same time, we are also commanded to love them, and to pray for them, for part of that love is indeed the hatred against them, as a zeal for the salvation of their souls in spite of their actions.

There is much unrighteous hatred in the world. But there is also the holy kind of hatred. And it must not be discarded because to do so is to reject the love of God, which is itself hateful.

Do you want to love as God loves? Then learn to hate as God hates. (source)

Shoebat.com has the honor of being named the #3 most anti-LGBT site on the Internet. It was unfortunate this happened, since our goal is to take the #1 spot and hopefully we will in a future contest, and it is not because of "hatred." It is because we want to follow Christ, and the more perfectly we follow Christ the more deeply we will provoke the wrath of the LGBT because of their hatred for God that is ultimately rooted in the sin of Eden, as they desire to define right and wrong as they see fit and thus worship themselves instead of He who made them.

Second, and the obvious issue is the homosexual problem in the Church. This is not something new in terms of essence, as there have been sodomite priests before that have infiltrated into the Church, such as during the 10th and 11th centuries and was the reason for St. Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah, in which he excoriates the sodomite infiltration of the Church rooted in sacred scripture and tradition, and spent part of his ecclesiastical career rooting them out of the Church. We have also reported on homosexual orgies in the Vatican before. The nature of the sin itself has not changed, but the scale is greater today than ever before. As many Catholic journalists, Vatican insiders, and holy priests have exposed, there is a homosexual cult that has infiltrated the highest levels of the Vatican and is literally trying to destroy the Church from within. Much of this can be traced in modern times to the Soviet attempts to infiltrate the Church in the West.

There have been many people who have written about this, but the socialists saw the Church as the greatest threat to their power in either the east with the Communists or the west with the National Socialists because the Church is neither and instead stands for the objective good of all. Just has she was, is, and always will be, the Church is often times the loudest and only moral voice in the public sphere that will stand for truth and right even when the entire world in drowning in vice. In terms of the modern context, in the years following the Communist revolution, the Soviets sent what seems to have been thousands of men into Catholic seminaries. Pretending to be pious men, they were actually atheists and communist spies who often times lived debauched, perverse lives outside of their public role as priests. The Soviet Union also solicited for men of low moral character who could be easily and willingly manipulated they could support to send to seminary. From what information is available, Soviet agents in the West intentionally sought out homosexuals for this role because of the inherent and debased nature of their sin. If a man is so perverse as to soil himself with another man using his own filth for pleasure, there is little that he will not do and can also be easily blackmailed because of his vices.

Cardinal Bernardin, who according to various sources was a sodomite and involved in other heinous crimes

Bishop John Russell of Charleston, SC. It is said that he performed a satanic ritual with then Fr. Bernardin, who was a young priest involved with some of the most powerful clergy members of Rome. The entire story is told by Fr. Malachi Martin in his novel Windswept House, but there are other people who have come forward over the years and discussed this. Something indeed terrible did happen, as is evidenced by the great decline in the Catholic Church experienced over the last 50 years.

From what information is available, one of such homosexual men identified and groomed by homosexual Soviet agents was a young man named Joseph Bernardin, who while raised in a family that was Catholic did not care for religion and spent his time at gay bars. After meeting up and getting into a relationship with a Soviet agent, he then entered into the Catholic priesthood, which came as a shock to his family. Bernardin was mentored in his early years by Bishop John Russell of South Carolina and was said to have taken part in a satanic ritual on June 29th, 1963 in a church in Charleston, South Carolina that took place simultaneously at the Basilica of St. Paul in the Vatican in which a significant number of Catholic clergy made a betrayal of their vows as scandalous as that of what Judas did, where they pledged loyalty to satan and the demons and to the destruction of the Catholic Church from within through the creation of a "church of man":

Here is the very short story on what likely happened with Bernardin. Bernardin was born Catholic in South Carolina in ARSH 1928. He had no remarkable zeal for the faith as a youngster, according to his own immediate family. Right after WWII, when the Communists really began their infiltration strategy of both the U.S. government, entertainment industry and education complex, and also the Catholic Church, Bernardin enrolled in the University of South Carolina pre-med program. All he had ever talked about as a kid was being a doctor.

Bernardin was homosexual, and likely entered into the gay underground scene in Columbia. There he was recruited by satanists. Remember, this is ARSH 1948. Satanists and Communists, who many times were BOTH, cultivated and trolled gay bars and the gay underground for recruits. Bernardin was promised power and as much deviant sex as he could ever want if he would enter seminary and be ordained a Catholic priest.

After his first year at USC, Bernardin went home and announced to his SHOCKED family that he was entering seminary. He was ordained in ARSH 1952 by Bishop John J. Russell, who was also fingered in depositions as the “celebrant” of satanic rituals. Russell may have repented, as he offered to testify against Bernardin in a lawsuit brought by one of Bernardin’s male seminarian rape victims, but conveniently died before he could testify in the early 1980s. (source)

Thankfully, the Bible states that Peter is the Rock upon which Christ will build His Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail over it. However, it does not mean that the Church will not undergo heavy persecution from within, or that even a pope himself might be evil. What it means is that because the Church is instituted by God, she will prevail because she cannot change because God does not change and as such, her teachings cannot change. Even if the pope and all of the bishops, cardinals, and prelates around the world voted to change the teachings of the Church, their words are meaningless because truth is truth. It would be as though the entire world voted to say that gravity does not exist anymore because we willed it so- men could say that all they want, but the minute they jumped off of a building they would quickly discover that their proclamations mean nothing in the fact of reality. This is the reason why laity can, provided they are teaching orthodoxy, can and have a moral obligation to correct priests and bishops who are in error, and if need be, to disobey priests and bishops who command people to ignore unchangeable Church teachings

It is clear that Cardinal Coccopalermio wants so ardently to change the Church's position on sodomy (which he cannot do and even if it did happen is obligated to be opposed since no man-made law can replace the laws of God) because he wants to sodomize other men while snorting cocaine. It has nothing to do about "pastoral care," but everything to do with license. That is why not only are Catholics obligated to opposed men like him, but to actively disobey them in so far as they teach heresy (make no mistake, I am not saying all-around disobedience- nothing could be further from the truth- but disobedience in regard to the false teachings which one must disobey in order to be faithful to God and His teachings).

Fr. Yarbrough and Msgr. Kincl, both who we have exposed on Shoebat.com as being sodomite supporters

This leads to the third and final point, which is the harrowing encounter that Ted had with the sodomite priest who says that Fr. Yarbrough of the Diocese of Austin, TX. You can read Ted's story here, but the essence was that this priest attempted to sexually assault Ted and indeed had already sexually assaulted another young man. When Ted brought this to the attention of the Diocese, he was given lip service but nothing ever came of the incident. In response, he initiated what he called Operation Whip. Drawing on the imagery of driving the moneychangers and their dirty deeds from the temple, the purpose of Operation Whip is to call attention to an open up public inquiry into the sex abuse scandals that have plagued the Church on account of these sodomite priests and the bishops and clergy who refuse to stop them.

If you have good information about a priest, bishop, or member of the clergy who is involved in homosexual activity, who is abusing children, or is using his power to advance the agenda of Sodom and Gomorrah, please contact us so that we can expose the evil agents who have infiltrated the Church and draw them out as a doctor draws poison from a wound.

We do this because we love our Church and the Faith. If we do not at least make a good faith attempt clean our own house, then God will use the chastisement from the world and the enemies of the Church to punish Her for her sins just as God used Israel's enemies to punish her for her sins. God is Mercy, but He is also Justice, for He is perfect love, and it is a fearful thing to fall into the just hands of the living God, before whom none of us can stand because of our sins.

We love Christ. We love His Church. We are zealous for mercy and justice, that as God lowered Himself to our humanity that we might be raised up to His divinity.

Please, help us help others. The salvation of many souls may depend on your actions.

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