By Walid Shoebat
An old video reveals President Obama’s Kenya-born half-brother Malik who will be in the audience in Las Vegas tonight on Wednesday invited by Donald reveals the man is of a nefarious character with polygamist relations. Why Trump invited this reprobate is a cause for concern, especially that Hillary Clinton will square off in their third and final debate. Malik is known in Kenya for purchasing young Muslim sex slaves. A guest of Trump, polygamist Malik Obama says: “I’m excited to be at the debate. Trump can make America great again”. Trump says “I look very much forward to meeting and being with Malik he gets it far better than his brother”.
But Malik’s own confession about how he had a mother and brother of one teen named Sheila sign away the girl was caught on video. We could not find the original video we gained from Kenyan TV a while ago (Youtube keeps banning our posts), but some good samaritan copied a piece of it a while ago:
Now this philanderer, Malik, who has enough money to buy slave girls claims that his brother, President Obama had kept him in poverty. One in-law (Mary) tells how Malik seduced her teen daughter Sheila: “He made a secret plan to take her away and gave her 3,000 shillings [about £24] to get her to marry him.”
Sheila Anyango, 35 years younger than Malik, also reported by Andrew Malon of the Daily Mail by Sheila Anyango herself: “Sheila Anyango, 35 years younger than her husband, told me this week that marrying him was the ‘worst decision’ of her life—and confirmed that they had ‘kept a secret’ since she was 17.”
“Hafsa Abwanda, now 33, also married the politician as a teenager, but escaped in 2008 after five years of marriage”. Several members of the family testify that Malik has at least "12 wives" in total and continually lures young, underage girls, which even based on Kenyan standards, is illegal.
Then we have the testimony of Hafsa Abwanda, Malik’s wife, stated that: “she saw at least 12 come and go over the years. With Islam allowing only four wives, former wives and friends say Malik flouts this limitation by ‘rotating’ his spouses out to other properties so he lives with only the maximum number at any one time.”
Malik is obviously on a vendetta against his brother, President Barack, for not giving him a very warm and loving reception.
President Obama is obviously keeping distance since Malik was exposed as "the polygamist" in the family and now he is lying when he was asked about his living condition claiming he was living in poverty.
But Malik is a first class liar as we shall prove beyond doubt, while Trump is obviously pulling off a political stunt here. But this is not right. Instead of exposing the Islamist connection (which we did the most extensive research on the topic) Trump opted to use this low life. This is the ways of dirty politics.
In fact, President Obama has been the greatest blessing, not only for Malik, who claimed to live in "poverty", but for the whole town of Kogelo, Obama's ancestral hometown in Kenya. Malik seems to have enough money he gained from his relationship with his half brother Barack to build a center claiming it was a public facility. According to several sources, this center is a “hotel” with a restaurant: “The meeting was conducted in the only hotel in Kogelo which carries the name Barack H. Obama Recreation Center and Rest Area” (Egyptian Al-Masry 11, 6, 2012).
Malik Obama, half-brother of President Barack Obama, poses for photographs after speaking about the upcoming U.S. elections to an Associated Press television reporter in the village of Kogelo where he lives in western Kenya Sunday, Nov. 4, 2012. Kogelo village is also the current home of Sarah Obama, the step-grandmother of the U.S. President, and many Kenyans consider Obama, with a mother from Kansas and a father from Kenya, as one of their own. (AP Photo/Ben Curtis)
From the photo above (and there are also videos) one can tell, this is a very nice hotel he owns. Arabic Russian News also referred to the hotel, according to Voice of Russia: “After that was what it was and Sheila lived the past two years, with the three wives with the owner [Malik] in the hotel complex which belongs to the Barack Obama Foundation.”
The Voice of Russia says that Malik is the “richest man in Kenya” thanks to “...the success of the 'Barack H. Obama Foundation rest and relaxation center', a restaurant complex built to profit from the visitors attracted to the area by his links to the US President.”
This is not to be confused with the Kogelo Village Resort, a 40-bed hotel and conference center that opened in November 2011 by Nicholas Rajula. The Smithsonian, which is a very reputable source, even sets the record straight and differentiates: “...he [Malik] is the president’s half-brother and the oldest son of Barack Obama Sr., who had eight children with four wives. He has invested a large sum in the soon-to-open Barack H. Obama Recreation Center and Rest Area in Nyang’oma Kogelo.” (also see ABC News)
Andrew Malone of the Daily Mail also investigated Malik and indicates that the project is not a non-profit:
“Sheila, who has an 18-month-old daughter by Obama called Hafifa, had spent the past two years living with three of Malik’s other wives at the ‘Barack H Obama Foundation rest and relaxation centre’—a restaurant complex built by her husband to profit from the visitors attracted to the area by his links to his brother [president Obama].”
In an article that appeared in the Smithsonian magazine about one year after BHOF was awarded its tax-exempt status, author Joshua Hammer visited the Obama village in Kogelo for a feature piece. Hammer wrote about Malik being heavily invested in opening the Barack H. Obama Recreation Center and Rest Area, what Hammer referred to as Malik's “homestead”:
“I inquired about the possibility of an interview, he texted back: 'My schedule is brutal but I might/could squeeze you in for about thirty minutes if I can get $1,500 for my trouble.' I politely declined.”
$1,500 an hour seems like a handsome amount of money Malik makes an hour just to speak to him. There are several witness accounts when it comes to Malik’s operations and conduct: “A group of Missouri State college students who visited the Obama family village of Kogelo in 2009, and who met the president's half-brother, felt something was amiss. They sensed he was an "operator" and decided to give their donation of 400 pounds of medical supplies directly to a local clinic... “We didn't know what he was going to do with them,” said Ken Rutherford, a former Missouri State professor who led the trip and who shared in the 1997 Nobel Peace Prize for his work to ban landmines.
Rutherford said the Obamas' relatives are the only Muslims in a village of 4,000 Christians and that Malik has a private mosque on his property,” according to the New York Post.
We even revealed the monies that came from Muslim mega donors to build a mosque in Kogelo since we have monitored this SOB for years.
Despite Malik's working conditions among other locations in Kenya, from which he takes upon the work as Executive Secretary for Islamic Da’wa Organization main branch, including his work with Feyzirnt.
The other lie is that only lately does he claims that his brother Barack has abandoned him the whole time when in the past he claimed to have remained in continual communication with his brother, Barack Hussein Obama, and even has a special office in the United States where he manages his private business, including three offices in Kenya. Malik tells Middle Eastern media in Saudi Arabia:
“My relationship with my brother Obama is continual and he knows all of the details about his family in Kogelo... which includes his grandmother Sarah Obama, his uncle Sayid Obama, and his cousin Omran Obama... In 2006, when President Obama visited Kogelo, where his father was born, he contributed toward the founding of an elementary school under the name 'Senator Obama’... Malik feels great joy that there's no one better to serve the Muslims in Kenya, pointing to his relationship with his brother Barack, who loves Islam and Muslims, indicating that the Obama family creates an example for co-existence between Christians and Muslims.”
Had Malik been living in poverty, how can he explain his abuse of minimum wage laws. “He pays his staff at the Obama Foundation less than £5 a week,” nearly half of the standard weekly minimum wage allowed in Kenya (£9.8).
Then we have spousal abuse. Testimonies of alleged wife-beating and in at least two cases these wives were minors. As for Malik, he dismisses the wife-beating allegations as being ‘a matter of interpretation’. By “interpretation” what Malik is referring to is that Sharia permits certain amount of spousal beating and that western interpretation prohibits all forms of wife beating. In fact, his step-grandmother, Mama Sarah, who lives in the same Kogelo village, said the following to a U.K. Guardian reported: “The wives that are disobedient, they should be beaten.”
(see Andrew Malone of the Daily Mail. He shares the testimonies from respected elder Vitalis Akeche Ogombe, Malik’s own wives, in-laws and employees of BHOF.)
Malik's involvement with entities that support / promote terrorism is probably the cause why President Obama distanced himself from him. Then, of course, we have the expedited / retroactive tax-exempt status Malik’s foundation received from the IRS and Lois Lerner. How can he do this without the direct help of his brother or at least by use of the name "Obama". On May of 2011, Malik applies for 501(c)(3) and gets it in less than one month while on May of 2012, Malik attempts to get $1500 from a writer and then on May of 2013, Malik sold two letters signed by his brother on White House stationary. Is this a man who loves his brother or is this a man who used his brother's position? The latter is the truth.
While some argue that Malik's polygamies (in reality they are sex slavery) are 'legal' in Kenya. But such liberal argument sets a lower standard for Africans which in itself is shameful and is nothing more but utter racism from a people who claim to fight racism. While Trump errs in inviting this scumbag, the funny thing is that the left is now attacking Trump for this and are now exposing Malik Obama's past.
Lesson learned? When Malik was good for the geese, they defended him, now that he is bad for the gander, they are exposing him using our data.
Hypocrisy exists on both sides. This is why the blogosphere must do what is right and not what we always see on the media. America is a nation with two crooked parties always exposing each other where we the citizens get to make our own minds. Malik even once tried to slam us ( from Turkey when we exposed him.
P.S.: Malik, the bottom line is that you are a rotten egg. You live like one, you lie like one, because you are one rotten lying egg. Enjoy your moment of fame with Trump for tomorrow you will be tossed like a filthy rag. Walid Shoebat.
For the most detailed research on the Obama family click here.
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