
Americans are fed up with Islam and Muslims, so expect more of these attacks in the future. In this recent incident in Philadelphia, a man threw a firebomb into the car of a Muslim man while shouting 'There you go, Muslim!':

The incident reportedly happened around 5am and the witness added the victims skin was burning.

FeministaJones continued: “Then kept hearing loud pops so I went to the door. Neighbours were helping the man because his skin was burning. He lost some of it.

"Went to the corner and saw the whole car on fire. After firetrucks come, he talks to them and then talks to us.

"He describes a car pulling up and someone inside saying 'There you go, Muslim' before throwing something into his car.”

It is believed the injured man was rushed to hospital after the incident, however police have yet to comment. (source)

There is also cell phone video of the attack:

There are a lot of holes in this story and suspicious themes. It is entirely possible the part about 'There you go, Muslim' was an outright lie in order to gain sympathy as though this were a "hate crime" when in reality it was just an act of vengeance for another unrelated reasons. Muslims are known for this kind of lying in the past, so it would not be the first time. This suspicious becomes even more apparent with the name of the person who first blogged about this story, a so-called "FeministaJones." After all, there is a well-documented alliance between leftist/feminists and Muslims.

So while there is much to be suspicious of, as I alluded to above, this also serves as a cautionary tale about the state of Islam in the West. Americans and Europeans are angry, having become tired of watching their so-called "leaders" bring hordes of unassimilateable Muslims and other people into their homelands while they become a minority and are increasingly marginalized. While the reasons for this are many, the ultimate end will be nothing short of disaster, for it adds tinder to, should a flame be put to it, what will be a great and terrible war which will consume what remains of Western Civilization and possibly the world in an inferno.

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