It is no surprise to see that considering the overall apostate state of Western churches, the worst culprit being many mainstream Protestant/Evangelical churches along with a number of mainstream Catholic churches that do not support traditionalist Catholicism, that we have a mainstream Evangelical newspaper run by the apostate Bible Society of Australia, Eternity, openly promoting and supporting the antichrist religion of Islam, either by encouraging Christians to engage in friendships with Muslims or by even suggesting finding commonality with Muslims, particularly in terms of the most blasphemous suggestion that Muslims worship the same God as Christians. In my years in going to mainstream Evangelical church, I have constantly seen the content go from bad to worse. Besides Islam, there has been promotion of godless, pro-sodomite politicians in Australia along with promotion of even supporting the idea of making Christian bakers in America bake cakes for sodomite weddings! I could go on indefinitely about their many heresies and evil ideas promoted, but for now, I will focus on their most recent promotion of Islam and their toying with the idea that the God of the Bible is the same as the god of the Quran, as well as encouraging Christians to befriend Muslims.
The most recent culprits for this filth promotion are 2 well known theological professors in Evangelical theological colleges, particularly Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC). Just as St. Paul named Alexander and Hymenaeus (I Timothy 1:20; II Timothy 2:17) as vile heretics that ought to be delivered to Satan, the same must be done here. We have Professor John Stackhouse and Richard Schumack, both toying with dangerous heresies and worse, encouraging others to soil themselves with heretics. The former has been guilty previously of promoting toleration of sodomites in the churches and in politics. The latter has been guilty of promoting ecumenical dialogue with false religions and even wrote a book entitled: The Wisdom of Islam and the Foolishness of Christianity. Shame be upon these vile heretics and sons of Satan! Without further ado, I shall now present my letter to Eternity newspaper whereby you can see what evil work these men have done and needs to be confronted. God bless.
Richard Schumack, another vile heretic lecturer in theological colleges that promotes the rear kissing of Islam agenda.
I wish to address issues that were raised in the February issue of Eternity as well as this current issue of Eternity raised by both Professor John Stackhouse and Richard Schumack respectively. Professor John Stackhouse suggested that Christians and Muslims worship the same God and even quoted Pope Francis for verification of his suggestion. Richard Schumack not only suggested an ambiguous possibility but even suggested that Christians befriend Muslims in order to gain an opportunity for the Gospel.
I will first begin with Professor John Stackhouse and his blasphemous assertion that Muslims and Christians do worship the same God. In his article, he suggested that Christians and Muslims do worship the same God based on similarities in character when comparing the Bible and the Quran. He even acknowledges that the Quran wholeheartedly rejects the Trinity and the Deity of Christ and yet he has the gall to suggest that Muslims and Christians worship the same God! To add further insult to injury, he has the gall to quote Pope Francis on this matter too. IF THAT IS THE GOD THAT PROFESSOR JOHN STACKHOUSE WORSHIPS, THEN HE WORSHIPS AN IMPOSTOR DEITY! The God of Scripture whilst clearly identifying as one, also identifies three personalities as part of the one God. We see this even from the first book of Scripture, Genesis, whereby God in creating man states clearly: “Let us make man after our image”. (Genesis 1:26) That is not all, when Abraham is visited by 3 visitors, whom he recognises as Divinity, he addresses them in the singular: “My Lord” (Genesis 18:3). Abraham stayed behind to talk to one of them in particular, whom we know as Jehovah, regarding the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah and it is later on that we discover that this Jehovah as well as another Jehovah in heaven actually rain down fire and brimstone to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah(Genesis 19:24). But that is not all. There are many direct hints from Jehovah Himself that there is more than one Person that is called Jehovah. One of those is clearly stated in Isaiah 48:16, whereby the speaker is Jehovah who mentions a Jehovah that sent Him along with the Spirit. Another also stems from Zechariah 2:10-11, whereby Jehovah is the speaker who mentions of a Jehovah of hosts that sends Him to Israel to dwell in Israel and to join many nations together at His Return! Is it no wonder therefore that our Lord Jesus Christ could tell the Jewish religious leaders of His day these words: “Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad…Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.” (John 8:56, 58). Our Lord Jesus Christ clarifies that indeed He is Jehovah Who spoke to Abraham and met with him. He even uses the personal name of Jehovah “I Am” as found in Exodus 3:14, of which the name “Jehovah” and “Yahweh”, has its derivatives in the Hebrew. What can Professor John Stackhouse say for himself now, if he asserts that the Allah of Islam, that denies the Trinity and even gets the identity wrong (Surah 5:116), is the same God as the God of Scripture, when clearly the God of Scripture identifies Himself in such a unique way? Does he want to play the role of antichrist? For that is exactly what Scripture has to state regarding Muhammad, Islam and other heretics: “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.” (I John 2:22-23). Professor John Stackhouse, it is shameful for you to even dare to quote Pope Francis as well, since this man is an anti-pope rather than a proper Pope on account of his open heresy. St. Robert Bellarmine made it clear that when a heretic sits in the Seat of Peter, he invalidates his office. Such has been the case with not only “Pope” Francis but other Antipopes throughout history, even more so in present day since the establishment of the corrupt Masonic Vatican II Council in 1962. Such heretics have gone against numerous valid Popes that have made it clear that Islam is of Satan, and made vows to eliminate this antichrist religion from the earth. Pope Callixtus III made this clear statement: ““I vow to… exalt the true Faith, and to extirpate the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet [Islam] in the East.” Pope Clement V and Pope Benedict XIV (Not to be confused with Antipope Benedict of late) made it clear not only what the evil nature of Islam was like but also made it clear that teaching of Mahomet’s (Muhammad) doctrine is to be forbidden from being promoted in public and that Catholic faithful were forbidden to take on Muslim names too! Has Professor Stackhouse decided to side with the enemy of Christ in the name of ecumenism? Or maybe I forgot that he was following in the footsteps of his spiritual forefather, Martin Luther, who also taught collaboration with the Turks! What a heretical disgrace Professor John Stackhouse is to the Christian Faith!
Regarding Richard Shumack, perhaps I should begin with his seemingly “benevolent” approach in befriending Muslims and giving them the benefit of the doubt in the hope that they accept Christ? How deceived he and many Evangelicals as well as others are in such an approach. He is foolish to even believe that Muslims can be his close friends, as he suggests, since the Quran expressly forbids actual friendships with Christians and Jews. “O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends one to another. And whoso among you takes them for friends is indeed one of them. Verily, Allah guides not the unjust people.” (Surah 5:52) Islam is based on conquest not benevolence, so for Richard Shumack to even believe such stupidity is naivety at best, or foolishness at worst. Furthermore, in Holy Scripture, we are warned about who we take as close friends. Psalm 1 should be the first point of reference as well as many other verses in Proverbs. When we choose the ungodly as close friends, then we choose to corrupt ourselves. Is Mr. Shumack really ignorant of Scripture whereby it is clearly stated that to be friends with the world is to be enemies of God (James 4:4)? Is Mr. Schumack even aware of the 4 forms of deception in Islam, one of which is even false friendships? Mr. Schumack even has the gall to misquote St. Paul in his dialogue with the pagan Athenians to prove his point. The word that modern versions mistranslate deliberately to make out that St. Paul was complimenting the Athenians is: “δεισιδαίμων-deisidaimon” which literally translates as: “in fear of the demons”, which the King James Bible correctly translates as “superstitious”. (Acts 17:22) St. Paul was far from complimenting the Athenians, but rather telling them point blank that they live in fear of the demons, that is what being superstitious really means! And so it is with Muslims. Muslims live in fear of the demons, particularly jinn, and what is more, Allah is the greatest of deceivers according to the Quran. (Surah 3:54; 6:39; 8:30) If such is the case with Muslims, then is it no wonder that they have no problem with deception, killing people senselessly and so forth when push comes to shove? Who else could fit the description of Islam’s Allah in such a case but the father of lies who was a murderer from the beginning-Satan (John 8:44)? Despite the fact the Mr. Schumack has some awareness of the serious differences between Islam and Christianity theologically, how could he seriously delude himself into making friends with those who are forbidden to be his friend and who would have no problem harming him if push really came to shove? If he cares enough for the souls of Muslims, then he will do what St. Francis of Assisi did when he arrived in Cairo, and preached to both the people and the Sultan of Cairo. He stated: “We have come to preach faith in Jesus Christ to you, that you will renounce Mohammad, that wicked slave of the devil, and obtain everlasting life like us.” To hell with your false compassion and friendship with Satan’s children. Pull those you can out of the fire, hating even the filth on the garments! “And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.” (Jude 1:23) Do you love Christ more than the world or do you love the praise of men even more, Mr. Schumack?
Enough said for now, but what I have stated I state with a clear conscience before God that I may not be ashamed before Him on the Day of Judgment. Take heed and learn.
Yours Truly,
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