
Election day is upon the United States, and in the spirit of the moment, now is a good time to take a brief respite and reflect on some of the important issues facing America. As you think over who to vote tomorrow, here are ten points to keep in mind when selecting the next president:

Trump is against Obamacare
Hillary veritably helped write Obamacare

Trump wants to smash ISIS and other Islamic terrorists
Hillary has been funding ISIS and other Islamic terrorists for years

Trump says we should work for peace with Russia
Hillary says we should start a war with Russia

Trump made his money from his family inheritance and private business
Hillary made her money by illegally selling top secret American intel 

Trump wants to bring American jobs back
Hillary wants to sell out American jobs to corporate slave labor

Trump says guns are an American right that shall not be infringed
Hillary says guns are bad except for the government

Trump supports examining immigrants before allowing them to immigrate
Hillary doesn't just support unlimited immigration- she sells it to the highest bidder

Trump negotiates aggressively against people to get what he wants
Hillary murders people with impunity to get what she wants

Trump says for now he is against abortion
Hillary is for murdering children up until they day they are born

Trump hangs out with Christian preachers and pastors
Hillary hangs out with blood-drinking Satanic demon worshippers


Friends of Trump

Friends of Hillary

You have choices to make. Choose wisely.

It does make a difference

Want to know my choice?

I choose to make America great again.

Trump 2016.


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