According to the sources, a Muslim "asylum seeker" attacked and sexually assaulted a teen girl before fleeing back to the "center" where he was staying. When a group of local Frenchmen found out about what happened, they decided to take matters into their own hands and attack the "center."Here is the video:
Throughout the protest, they yelled "Expulsions!", "On est chez nous!" [This is our home!], "Collabos!" [Collaborators], "Vos femmes sont les prochaines!" [Your women are next], "Police complice" [Police accomplices] and "Police, migrants, même combat!" [Police, immigrants, on the same side]:
A Sudanese minor who arrived from Calais has been summoned next March to be interviewed about a sexual assault on a 67-year-old women on Thursday in Arzon (Morbihan), provoking protests from those opposed to receiving migrants, according to the Vannes prosecutor's office.
On Thursday around 6 pm, while the woman in her sixties was dropping off shopping in front of her home, a young 16-year-old Sudanese just recently arrived from Calais, and living at a reception centre for minors in the municipality, came up to her, stated François Touron, prosecutor of the Republic of Vannes.
In broken English, the woman and the young man exchanged simple remarks before the latter kissed her. After five kisses the woman, upset, broke away. The young man then touched her left breast, before miming a masturbation gesture and running off, specified the prosecutor. (source)
Now this should be a warning for everybody here. For the Muslims, they may not get to realize the dreams of conquest they have been constantly talking about, since there is a major popular uprising that is building against them.
On the other hand do not forget what we have been talking about here, for as we have been constantly pointing out, the permitting mass numbers of Muslims to invade and act as they will without any legal reprocussions was done intention for sinister political ends, as we have been constantly pointing out and as Ted has been repeatedly emphasizing.
Finally, never remember that God is in control, and with His help and grace combined with both our repentance and our own efforts, miracles can still and do happen.
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