Don't believe me- the video speaks for itself:
These people had better not get too comfortable in Europe and especially Germany, because their time is literally running out. As we have said before, the Germans are getting really sick of the Muslim and foreign invasion of their nation at the hands of their politicians, and it is only a matter of time before they strike back with a force that has not been seen in almost a century. It will be so strong that all of these Muslims who are invading Europe may even beg to return to their former lands once things get going, but at that point it will be too late. After the tax dollars dry up and there are no more freebies, the only thing that will be left for these Muslims will be the rage of the German people against them.
Just recently, Ted came out with an article b b about the resurgence of National Socialism in Europe. It is a long article, but if you have not read it yet, please go back and read it. I am interviewed in one of the videos in it about my experiences with the Alt-Right.
This entire "invasion" of Europe is pre-planned, as we have pointed out. But the end goal is far bigger- and more sinister- than just Islam. Read it and find out.
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