By Theodore Shoebat
All those who say “God told me,” are dangerous. Just look at what recently happened in Texas. A charismatic Christian named David Conley, who is definitely possessed by demons, broke into a home, took hostage an entire family of eight, handcuffed them all, and executed all of them.
David Conley, heretic who believes God talks to him. His theology was part of his murderous behavior
I did an entire video explaining, with footage and evidence, his demonic theology and how it has flooded America with its insanity and evil:
The ubiquitous rabble of “God told me” that we keep hearing so much in America, is both extremely evil and dangerous. If you really believe that God is talking to you, then you esteem yourself a prophet, one who has a salvation that cannot be taken away. With this mindset one could commit all sorts of evils, and think nothing of it because God is with them, they are a “prophet,” a mouthpiece for God.
If someone tells you, “God told me,” tell them, “Do not blaspheme.” This devil who murdered eight people believed that God was talking to him. In 2004, a woman in Texas named Deanna Laney murdered her two very young children by crushing their heads with a rock because “God told her to.”
Also in 2004, in the same state of Texas, another wretch named Dena Schlosser cut off her 10 month old infant’s arms with a knife. When she dialed 911, the operator could her hear her “with a gospel song playing in the background.” When officers entered the house, they saw the baby lying on the crib, bleeding to death, and the mother sitting quietly on the couch listening to gospel music. The wretch told the doctor that she wanted “to cut off her baby’s arms and her own limbs and head and give them to God.”
Andrea Yates, another one of these crazy eyed lunatic women (and we see a lot of them in America), in Texas, drowned all of her five children in the bathtub “to save them from the devil” and that “God told her to kill her children.”
Andrea Yates, look at her face, its the same type of evil look you see in a lot of these charismatic chaoses
A man in the UK named Paul Ward, who murdered a dog walker named Jean Campbell, said that ‘God told me to plead guilty’.
A man in California named Shelton Eugene Bradley murdered his mother because “‘God’ told him she was a witch and he had ‘divine’ instruction to kill all witches.”
A man in Pennsylvania named Levi Daniel Staver stabbed his grandmother to death, and said that the Archangel Michael told him to.
In 2013 a woman named Victoria Soliz tried to drown her three year old son claiming Jesus Christ advised her to do it.
A woman in South Carolina named Tammi Estep stabbed her husband and said, “Jesus and Mary told me to kill him because he is Satan’s spawn!”
In Palm City, FL., Jennifer Cisowski woke up in an upper class family home and told her husband that God was speaking to her. She eventually took her baby and smashed the helpless child against the rocks because she believed God told her to. This demonic woman said:
Just like Jesus raised Lazarus, I threw the baby on the stones by the pool
Prosecutor Tom Bakkedahl said:
She is told allegedly by these voices to throw her baby down on the ground and he will be healed… She was of the opinion it was God speaking to her.
In 2008, in Canada, charismatic Vince Weiguang Li beheaded a man in a bus and cannibalized him. His motive? Li said:
The voice told me that I was the third story of the Bible, that I was like the second coming of Jesus [and that] I was to save people from a space alien attack
In the UK, in 2010, a man named Jermaine Gilchrist got into an argument with his mother over a preacher on a Christian TV channel. Jermaine then took a knife and stabbed his mother to death and also wounded the mother of his child. The motive? You guessed it: God told me so. Jermaine said:
I ain’t mad, I’m not crazy, I don’t hear voices, I serve a God much greater than myself. These are the things God expects from me. He expected me to judge her.
In July of 2015, Marie J. Chishahayo was charged for allowing her 9 year old son to murder her daughter. The 9 year old would also heat a knife with fire and burn one of the other siblings all over the body. She allowed him to do this evil “because God had told him to do so.”
There are so many other stories like this, it would take forever to post them all. I keep hearing people saying “ISIS is coming to America.” If ISIS ever came to America it would only be one amongst the innumerable cults in the US who partake in murder, rape, and child molestation. These sick and demonic people who sit around talking about how “God talks to me,” is all a coverup for a demonic conspiracy to obtain power. If God talks to them, then that must mean they are somebody important, and thus the herd will listen to them, and obey them.
This slogan of “God told me” is one of the most diabolical things that ever hit America, and its been in the US since the beginning of its inception. This sick trend can be traced to the Protestant Reformation itself. Since the institution of the Church was overthrown by the Reformation, all that was left was an individualistic perspective on God’s relationship with man. Each person can read the Bible and perceive his own “truth,” each person is his own pope, each person is a mouthpiece for God.
This is why there are so many cults in America: there is no universal set of doctrine (unlike the Orthodox), everything in the Bible is left to the relative perspective of the individual reading it. We complain about moral relativism, but I tell you, charismatics are amongst the greatest partakers of moral relativism: to them, God can be anywhere; God is dictated by their own capricious minds.
Some blasphemer will say, “God told me” and they expect everyone to get down on their hands and knees. Anytime someone says, “God told me,” ask them, “How do you know it was God? How do you know that it was not the devil?” Question them and you will see the diabolical rage seething out like heat flowing out of vomit.
This insanity must be called for what it is: heretical bile only used to manipulate the weak minded and the capricious, and the selfish. Those who say “God told me” are potentially dangerous people, because their claims puff them up; they become reckless, and in many cases, murderous against those who will question them. This is why I say that to say, “God told me,” is dangerous. If God really talks to you to, prove it. Now, not everyone in the “God told me” group will murder people, this is true. But, the problem is that American society facilitates this murderous rage; for so much of the people collectively believe in the very same theology as the murderers. Both believe in the “God told me” mindset, and how can tell the other that they are wrong in holding to their claims? Therefore, the American Christian society — filled with its “God told me” fervor — provide the conditions and environment for such violent behavior. Most Muslims don’t kill, but regardless Islamic society facilitates terrorist behavior simply for the reason that both the passive Muslim and the violent Muslim hold to the same theology.
What America needs, is not more freedom. America needs an inquisition. An inquisition to clean the heretical trash that floods the streets and wreaks destruction and death. In the ideal state, to say “God told me,” should be investigated, and if the perpetrator proves to be persistent after efficient correction has been made, punished by the state. All of these people who murdered their children should have been arrested before they even started killing, solely because of their sick theology. These murders could have been prevented if the perpetrators were simply arrested and kept out of society, on the charges of heresy. Such people are better off being burned at the stake, just as they used to do in the Middle Ages. As the holy Scriptures say:
If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, ‘Let us go after other gods,’ which you have not known, ‘and let us serve them,’ you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. For the Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear him and keep his commandments and obey his voice, and you shall serve him and hold fast to him. But that prophet or that dreamer of dreams shall be put to death, because he has taught rebellion against the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of slavery, to make you leave the way in which the Lord your God commanded you to walk. So you shall purge the evil from your midst. (Deuteronomy 13:1-5)
We should treat heresy like drugs: we must destroy it, uproot it; do so and you will see such violence being precluded from occurring. The reason why these murders happen is because the heresies that enable such violence is not destroyed and abolished. We allow these evil beliefs “freedom,” and what we end up with is tyranny.
If you think this is bad, wait until Christ returns. When Christ returns He will establish the holy laws over the world, and all those who claim that God speaks to them, will be put to death. As we read from the prophet Zechariah:
It shall come to pass that if anyone still prophesies, then his father and mother who begot him will say to him, “You shall not live, because you have spoken lies in the name of the Lord.” And his father and mother who begot him shall thrust him through when he prophesies. (Zechariah 13:3)
Those who say “God told me,” blaspheme, and if this action is enough to anger God, than it should anger us all.
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