Muslims Carrying Metal Bars Attack Good Friday Parade And Cause A
Massive Stampede In Seville While Screaming "Allahu Akbar"
Muslims Carrying Metal Bars Attack Good Friday Parade And Cause A Massive Stampede In Seville While Screaming "Allahu Akbar"

Muslims act out violently in proportion to the response they think people will have against their bad behavior. We have warned for year...

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Iranian Muslim Leaves Islam For Christ, The Muslims Jail Her And Now
Are Denying Her Medical Treatment
Iranian Muslim Leaves Islam For Christ, The Muslims Jail Her And Now Are Denying Her Medical Treatment

Maryam Zargaran was as Muslim who left Islam for Christ. When the government found out about her condition, they sentenced her to five ...

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Muslim Mob Attacks Christians Leaving Church, Beats Them With Rocks And
Then Burns Their Homes Down
Muslim Mob Attacks Christians Leaving Church, Beats Them With Rocks And Then Burns Their Homes Down

Christians in Egypt are suffering some of the worst attacks in their history. It has become so bad that Christianity may disappear from...

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Muslims Enter Christian Village, They Destroy The Crosses And Demolish
The Homes. The Christians Return, They See Their Homes Destroyed And
Their Church In Ruins, And They Weep. A Christian Man Goes Up To A Roof
And Places A Cross. The Christians Gather Together And Take Palm Leaves
And Worship Christ. They Put Up A Giant Cross And Declare That Christ
Is Lord
Muslims Enter Christian Village, They Destroy The Crosses And Demolish The Homes. The Christians Return, They See Their Homes Destroyed And Their Church In Ruins, And They Weep. A Christian Man Goes Up To A Roof And Places A Cross. The Christians Gather Together And Take Palm Leaves And Worship Christ. They Put Up A Giant Cross And Declare That Christ Is Lord

A video has recently been published by the Wall Street Journal, showing a remarkable site: Christians seeing their homes and their chur...

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Russia Says Evidence growing, Syria Chemical Attack Was Staged
Russia Says Evidence growing, Syria Chemical Attack Was Staged

Bloomberg Report, posted by KD Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said a chemical-weapons attack in Syria that provoked U.S. missil...

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Major Christian Leader Makes This Declaration To Erdogan: 'Muhammad Is
A False Prophet And Is In Hell Right Now, Allah Is A False God, Jesus
Christ Is God, Accept Christ As Your Lord And Savior.'
Major Christian Leader Makes This Declaration To Erdogan: 'Muhammad Is A False Prophet And Is In Hell Right Now, Allah Is A False God, Jesus Christ Is God, Accept Christ As Your Lord And Savior.'

Major Christian leader, Metropolit Seraphim of Piraeus, has just made a declaration to the president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, t...

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