Islamic Violence Is So Out Of Control That People Are Illegally Buying
Military Grade Weapons To Protect Themselves
Islamic Violence Is So Out Of Control That People Are Illegally Buying Military Grade Weapons To Protect Themselves

In a recent story, the situation with Muslims and Islamic violence has become so bad that your average citizens are illegally purchasin...

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Muslim Terrorists Take Thousands Of Young Girls, Many Of Them Have Not
Even Hit Puberty Yet, And Keep Them As Sex Slaves
Muslim Terrorists Take Thousands Of Young Girls, Many Of Them Have Not Even Hit Puberty Yet, And Keep Them As Sex Slaves

ISIS terrorists have taken thousands of young girls, many of them were taken in their pre-pubescent state, and kept as sex slaves. As w...

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Christianity Is Under Severe Attack In France, 90% Of All 'Religious
Attacks' Are Against Christians, But Attacks Against Muslims DECREASED
Christianity Is Under Severe Attack In France, 90% Of All 'Religious Attacks' Are Against Christians, But Attacks Against Muslims DECREASED

'Islamophobia' isn't real. It never was real. It is just a made-up word to scare people into not talking about the violence...

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Christianity Is At War
Christianity Is At War

We are very proud to announce that Theodore Shoebat has completed his encyclopedic work:  Christianity is at War. Here is a little info...

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Muslims Kidnap Teen Daughter Of Former Muslim Turned Christian And
Demand She Convert To Islam, She Says No, They Take A Knife And
Mutilate Her Genitals So Severely She Fell Into A Coma And Is Now
Fighting For Her Life
Muslims Kidnap Teen Daughter Of Former Muslim Turned Christian And Demand She Convert To Islam, She Says No, They Take A Knife And Mutilate Her Genitals So Severely She Fell Into A Coma And Is Now Fighting For Her Life

UPDATE: This story was brought to my attention after it was posted by Andrew and I find no credibility to it. After investigating the s...

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Muslims Arrest Four Christians And Torture Them In Jail, While This Is
Happening Jesus Appears To One Of The Prison Guards And Asks Him 'Why
Are You Torturing My Children?', The Guard Helps The Christians Escape
And Now He Is A Christian Too
Muslims Arrest Four Christians And Torture Them In Jail, While This Is Happening Jesus Appears To One Of The Prison Guards And Asks Him 'Why Are You Torturing My Children?', The Guard Helps The Christians Escape And Now He Is A Christian Too

We've been reporting how God is moving in a mighty way in the Muslim world, and how it is so big that churches are expecting millio...

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