Muslims Torture Christian Woman And Try To Force Her To Confess That She Blasphemed Muhammad. Her Husband Comes In And T...
Muslims Torture Christian Woman And Try To Force Her To Confess That She Blasphemed Muhammad. Her Husband Comes In And T...

By Theodore Shoebat Muslim police officers in Pakistan tortured a Christian woman to force her to confess that she blasphemed Muhammad. ...

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HERO- Bulgarian Strongman Chases Down Gangs Of Muslim Border Jumpers On His ATV, Beats Them Up And Arrests Them With Not...
HERO- Bulgarian Strongman Chases Down Gangs Of Muslim Border Jumpers On His ATV, Beats Them Up And Arrests Them With Not...

Dinko “The Destroyer” Valev lives in Yambol, Bulgaria near the Turkish border. After seeing hordes of Muslim refugees crossing illegall...

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Major Evangelical Leaders Are Worshiping One Gay Activist As God While He Makes Them Desecrate The Bible, And One Young ...
Major Evangelical Leaders Are Worshiping One Gay Activist As God While He Makes Them Desecrate The Bible, And One Young ...

By Walid Shoebat So how much will the Evangelical movement in the United States go to please the LGBT agenda? When Shoebat.com poste...

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ETHNIC CLEANSING IRAQ: Iranian-backed Muslim militia seizing Christian churches and homes in Baghdad
ETHNIC CLEANSING IRAQ: Iranian-backed Muslim militia seizing Christian churches and homes in Baghdad

By BI: You can thank Barack Hussein Obama for this which started right after he pulled all American troops out of Iraq. Yet he has refuse...

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UK: Somali Muslim never-employed freeloaders kicked out of their £2 million ($2.8 million) luxury council house…
UK: Somali Muslim never-employed freeloaders kicked out of their £2 million ($2.8 million) luxury council house…

By BI: …and forced to move into a  £1.3 million ($1.8 million) luxury council house around the corner. All paid for by hardworking Britis...

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