Geothermal Activity At Yellowstone Is Melting Roads, Signaling Possible Super-Volcano Eruption
Geothermal Activity At Yellowstone Is Melting Roads, Signaling Possible Super-Volcano Eruption

Image Credit: Yellowstone National Park The Yellowstone National Park in the US sits on top of a super-volcano which has laid dormant fo...

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Watch Bernie Sanders Getting Driven Off The Stage By A Black Supremacist Mob, Proving That The “Black Lives Matter Movem...
Watch Bernie Sanders Getting Driven Off The Stage By A Black Supremacist Mob, Proving That The “Black Lives Matter Movem...

By Theodore Shoebat The mob mentality is inundating the United States. The first people that will be suffer the most, are the ones pushi...

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Tests Show “Healthy” Kashi GoLean Cereal Has Six Times More Glyphosate Than Kellogg’s Fruit Loops
Tests Show “Healthy” Kashi GoLean Cereal Has Six Times More Glyphosate Than Kellogg’s Fruit Loops

Even with food that is marketed as “healthy” sometimes you truly never know what you are actually getting. Last year, GMO Free USA released ...

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Former Defense Intelligence Agency Chief says: Obama White House made “willful decision to support al-Qaeda and Muslim B...
Former Defense Intelligence Agency Chief says: Obama White House made “willful decision to support al-Qaeda and Muslim B...

By BI: DECLASSIFIED 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document reveals: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State “in order to isolate th...

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IRELAND: Muslim leader, who is behind prosecution of Christian pastor for criticizing Islam, has been exposed as Islamic...
IRELAND: Muslim leader, who is behind prosecution of Christian pastor for criticizing Islam, has been exposed as Islamic...

By BI: A Christian pastor from Northern Ireland is facing six months in prison for making allegedly “offensive” remarks about Islam. Yet ...

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