Following threats to shut down the pro free speech encrypted messaging platform Telegram, the German government has stepped up its efforts by putting pressure on Apple and Google to take a more hands on approach to limiting the content people are sha…
Why Covid-19 is always one step ahead of the US response
The Biden administration’s response to the omicron variant is belatedly kicking into gear. The White House announced Wednesday that it would soon ship 400 million N95 masks to US pharmacies and community health centers to be given away. Americans ca…
The voting rights push in Congress is over. The fight for democracy isn’t.
If you listen to some leading liberal voices, the Senate defeat of the Freedom To Vote and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Acts could sound the death knell of American democracy. In a Wednesday speech held before the Senate votes, President Joe …
Mask Freaks Take the L
Authorities in Western Australia say their draconian new vaccine passport scheme, which bars the unvaccinated from most public places, is likely to be in place for “years.” Premier Mark McGowan announced the new measures, which will go into effect fr…
Video: CNN’s Lemon Says Unvaccinated “Idiots” Like Novak Djokovic Shouldn’t Be Part Of “Polite Society”
CNN host Don Lemon declared Tuesday that those who choose not to take coronavirus vaccines are “idiots” who need to be ostracised from “polite society” for the “greater good”. Referring to a viral rant against the unvaccinated by a Mexican news ancho…
Parents Outraged As More Schools Push Transgender Materials On THREE-YEAR OLD Kids
Parents watchdog group Parents Defending Education (PDE) has warned that a school district in Minnesota is pushing transgender and “pride” books and materials on to children as young as three years old. The group warns that Saint Paul Public Schools …