Muslims Kidnap Young Christian Woman Walking To Church And Nobody Knows
Where She Is Now
Muslims Kidnap Young Christian Woman Walking To Church And Nobody Knows Where She Is Now

A lot of people complain about having to get up early to go to church on Sunday. Many would complain if their car was broken and had to...

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Muslim Terrorists Kidnap Christian Girl And Keep Her Hostage For Three
Years, Iraqi Forces Go In, Kill The Terrorists And Rescue The Christian
Muslim Terrorists Kidnap Christian Girl And Keep Her Hostage For Three Years, Iraqi Forces Go In, Kill The Terrorists And Rescue The Christian Girl

Iraqi Christina Ezzo Abada, a former hostage of Islamic State militants for three years, sits next to her sister inside a cramped home ...

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Pagans Kidnap Christian Pastor And Brutally Torture Him, They Mutilate
His Genitals And Slaughter Him
Pagans Kidnap Christian Pastor And Brutally Torture Him, They Mutilate His Genitals And Slaughter Him

A Catholic bishop in Cameroon was kidnapped and tortured to death by pagans.  According to a confidential document Bishop Jean Marie B...

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