Muslim Pedophile Predator Caught Live On Camera Snatching
Three-Year-Old Girl In Supermarket At Random When Her Mother Isn't
Looking And Running Off With Her
Muslim Pedophile Predator Caught Live On Camera Snatching Three-Year-Old Girl In Supermarket At Random When Her Mother Isn't Looking And Running Off With Her

Muslim Pedophile Predator caught live on tape Islam and sexual abuse are like peanut butter and jelly in the supermarket- where one is...

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Muslims Destroy Christian Church And Turn It Into Terrorist Training
Camp, Take A Statue Of Jesus And Cut Its Head Off
Muslims Destroy Christian Church And Turn It Into Terrorist Training Camp, Take A Statue Of Jesus And Cut Its Head Off

So much for all that talk about how 'Muslims love Jesus just like Mohammed'. You don't' show your love for Jesus (or an...

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On Tuesday November 8th Democrats and Never Trumper Voters Can Be
Americans or Enablers of a Giant Organized Crime Family connected to
ISIS Terrorists
On Tuesday November 8th Democrats and Never Trumper Voters Can Be Americans or Enablers of a Giant Organized Crime Family connected to ISIS Terrorists

Posted by KD On Tuesday November 8th the choice is clear, America's basic values of morality and the rule of law are at stake. If t...

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Muslims Take Small Children, And Several Adults, And Butcher All Of Them
Muslims Take Small Children, And Several Adults, And Butcher All Of Them

ISIS terrorists took twelve people, some of whom were small children, and butchered all of them. As we read in one report: A bomb blast...

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Muslims Shoot Woman And Then Crucify Her
Muslims Shoot Woman And Then Crucify Her

ISIS terrorists shot and crucified a woman in Syria, according to one report: The Islamic State’s (ISIS) militants on Friday executed a...

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Suicide Bomb in Nigeria Slaughters Nine People, Including One Pastor
Suicide Bomb in Nigeria Slaughters Nine People, Including One Pastor

A suicide bomb erupted in Nigeria, killing nine people, including a pastor. As we read in one report: A pastor was among those killed w...

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