Between 1939 And 1941, For Every Jew Killed By The Nazis In Poland, Ten Ethnic Poles Were Murdered
Between 1939 And 1941, For Every Jew Killed By The Nazis In Poland, Ten Ethnic Poles Were Murdered

Some of my thoughts on the genocide of the Poles by the Nazis: [embedded content] source https://shoebat.com/2021/10/03/between-1939-an...

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New Zealand Drops "Covid Zero" Goal After "Game Changer" Delta Variant
New Zealand Drops "Covid Zero" Goal After "Game Changer" Delta Variant

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said Delta variant had proved a "game-changer". Wellington: Prime Minister Jacinda ...

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Pandora Papers Leak: The Biggest Reveals So Far
Pandora Papers Leak: The Biggest Reveals So Far

Jordan's monarch, King Abdullah II, used an English accountant in Switzerland, report said. An unprecedented leak of financial recor...

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Fumio Kishida Approved As Japan's Next Prime Minister
Fumio Kishida Approved As Japan's Next Prime Minister

Japan's parliament voted to approve Fumio Kishida as prime minister. Tokyo: Japan's parliament voted Monday to approve Fumio Ki...

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Merck's New Covid Pill Raises Hopes For Nations Struggling To Vaccinate
Merck's New Covid Pill Raises Hopes For Nations Struggling To Vaccinate

Merck's Covid vaccine reduced risk of hospitalization or death by 50% in an interim analysis/ As Merck & Co. races ahead with an...

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Facebook Whistleblower Reveals Identity, Says Firm Chooses "Profit Over Safety"
Facebook Whistleblower Reveals Identity, Says Firm Chooses "Profit Over Safety"

Facebook knew its products were fueling hate, the whistleblower said. (File) Washington: The whistleblower who shared a trove of Facebo...

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