Why video game doors are so hard to get right
Why video game doors are so hard to get right

Doors are so common in the real world that you probably don’t stop to think about how to operate them. But for video game designers, that’s...

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Why some people think this photo of JFK’s killer is fake
Why some people think this photo of JFK’s killer is fake

Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered two days after he was arrested for assassinating US President John F. Kennedy. But before Oswald died, he cl...

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Michael K. Williams was more than just Omar from The Wire. He elevated Black identity onscreen.
Michael K. Williams was more than just Omar from The Wire. He elevated Black identity onscreen.

Before 2008, if you’d asked a US president to name their favorite television character, you’d hardly expect the answer to be a gay, Black, s...

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Corporate America still isn’t sure what to say about abortion
Corporate America still isn’t sure what to say about abortion

Texas is betting that its push to the right on abortion won’t produce a tangible backlash from corporate America. So far, that bet is look...

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The Taliban Are Not Courageous Warriors, Just Pedophiles And Drug Dealers
The Taliban Are Not Courageous Warriors, Just Pedophiles And Drug Dealers

Stop glorifying the Taliban by describing them in ways that they are not: [embedded content] source https://shoebat.com/2021/09/07/the-...

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Why America Needs A Separation Between Church And State
Why America Needs A Separation Between Church And State

A video sharing why I believe we need a separation between church and state: [embedded content] source https://shoebat.com/2021/09/07/w...

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