Scientific Study finds rate of occurrence of heart inflammation due to Covid-19 vaccines is more than double what Health Officials claim
Scientific Study finds rate of occurrence of heart inflammation due to Covid-19 vaccines is more than double what Health Officials claim

U.K and U.S public health officials claim cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following Covid-19 vaccination are rare — but new research ...

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Scientific study finds mRNA can alter your DNA – They told you it was impossible… they lied to you
Scientific study finds mRNA can alter your DNA – They told you it was impossible… they lied to you

How often have we been told that it would be impossible for the mRNA in a “vaccine” to become integrated into our DNA, simply because “RNA d...

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Sore arm, headache… miscarriage, blindness, stroke, death – UK Gov. release 28th report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid-19 Vaccines
Sore arm, headache… miscarriage, blindness, stroke, death – UK Gov. release 28th report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid-19 Vaccines

The UK Government / MHRA have released the 28th report on advere reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines, and we’d like to inform BBC TV & Ra...

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