Emergency Saturday Broadcast: Reporters Discover Secret Flights, Secret Centers, and More
Emergency Saturday Broadcast: Reporters Discover Secret Flights, Secret Centers, and More

Alex Jones joins Owen Shroyer and the Infowars crew on the southern border in McAllen, Texas to reveal more pieces of the illegal immigration pipeline from South and Central America through Mexico into the United States, including secret flights out…

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Exclusive: Unmarked PRIVATE JETS Flying Illegal Immigrants Out Of McAllen, Texas
Exclusive: Unmarked PRIVATE JETS Flying Illegal Immigrants Out Of McAllen, Texas

Owen Shroyer joined Tom Pappert live from the border on Friday to break some incredible revelations about how smugglers are transporting illegal immigrants. The Big Tech purge is here! Follow Infowars and Alex Jones on other growing platforms now to…

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The Genetic Sabotage Of Humanity
The Genetic Sabotage Of Humanity

While the social engineers of the United Nations slowly force Agenda 2030 through the manufactured totalitarian Covid lockdown scheme, a decades-old secret human cloning and hybrid operation is testing the water of public scrutiny. It’s an operation…

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Video: CNN Reporter Called Out As Propaganda By Passerby After Project Veritas Bombshell
Video: CNN Reporter Called Out As Propaganda By Passerby After Project Veritas Bombshell

A CNN reporter was left speechless when a passerby called out the fake news network for peddling propaganda after Project Veritas caught a CNN director admitting as much in undercover video. CNN reporter Sara Sidner was covering the Black Lives Matte…

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Tucker Carlson: ‘We Are Moving Toward Some Kind of Larger Confrontation with Russia — Why Are We Doing That?’
Tucker Carlson: ‘We Are Moving Toward Some Kind of Larger Confrontation with Russia — Why Are We Doing That?’

Fox News host Tucker Carlson broke down the recent revelation that the New York Times story claiming the Russian government offered bounties on U.S. troops in Afghanistan was false. On his Friday monologue of “Tucker Carlson Tonight”, Carlson explain…

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Paint the Wall Black: The Story of Nini’s Deli
Paint the Wall Black: The Story of Nini’s Deli

Apr 17th 2021, 14:25, by Joel Kurtinitis I just watched a poignant documentary on faith and courage set against the backdrop of last summer's BLM p…

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