Macron, President Of France, Says: 'African Women Are Having Too Many
Macron, President Of France, Says: 'African Women Are Having Too Many Children.'

President Macron of France revealed his eugenist and Nazi beliefs, saying that African women are having too many children. According to...

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World's Oldest Profession Gets The Pink Slip As People Flock To Sex
Robot Brothels- We Warned You About This
World's Oldest Profession Gets The Pink Slip As People Flock To Sex Robot Brothels- We Warned You About This

It has been reported that robots are taking over jobs that used to be done by humans. Now that may even include "the world's o...

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Major UK Politicians Declare To British And Irish Catholics 'Your
Presence Is Unwelcome'
Major UK Politicians Declare To British And Irish Catholics 'Your Presence Is Unwelcome'

England and Ireland are among some of the oldest lands in the ancient Christian world, and both have undergone considerable persecution...

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Children In Britain Are Being Sent To Clinics To Be Told That They Are
Children In Britain Are Being Sent To Clinics To Be Told That They Are Transgender

Danni McFadyen, little boy who now dresses as a girl in the UK. Absolute perversion Children in Britain are being sent to clinics to be...

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Muslim Terrorists In Somalia Kidnap 9 Christians, Take Knives
And 'Slaughter Them Like Chickens'
Muslim Terrorists In Somalia Kidnap 9 Christians, Take Knives And 'Slaughter Them Like Chickens'

The infamous Somali terrorist group Al-Shabaab has been 'hunting down' Christians and other non-Muslims. They kidnapped nine Ch...

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