Horrific Massacre Revealed On Film: Muslim Terrorists Kidnap Innocent
Man And Brutally Butcher Him Alive
Horrific Massacre Revealed On Film: Muslim Terrorists Kidnap Innocent Man And Brutally Butcher Him Alive

A horrific massacre was revealed on film: Muslim terrorists in the Philippines butchered an innocent man alive. You can see this ritual...

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Major Western Theologians Teach That The Catholic Church Killed One
Hundred Million Christians And That The United States Killed Two
Hundred Million Native Americans
Major Western Theologians Teach That The Catholic Church Killed One Hundred Million Christians And That The United States Killed Two Hundred Million Native Americans

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) Many sola-scripturists insist that the Catholic Church killed one hundred million sola-script...

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Muslims Steal Land From Christian Family, Force Them Into A Slum, And
Then Try To Gang Rape Their Daughter
Muslims Steal Land From Christian Family, Force Them Into A Slum, And Then Try To Gang Rape Their Daughter

Last year Muslims attempted to expropriate land from a Christian family. The family was eventually forced off and into a slum. Now the ...

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