16,000 Christians Are Now Hiding In Giant Catholic Cathedral To Escape
Violence As Soldiers Slaughter Them
16,000 Christians Are Now Hiding In Giant Catholic Cathedral To Escape Violence As Soldiers Slaughter Them

16,000 Christians are said to be hiding in a Catholic Cathedral in Sudan, trying to take refuge from the horrific violence that has bee...

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Serbian Military Confiscates Thousands Of Machine Guns, Rifles, Mortars
And Grenades That Were Being Transported Into Macedonia To Cause
Extremely Bloody Conflict
Serbian Military Confiscates Thousands Of Machine Guns, Rifles, Mortars And Grenades That Were Being Transported Into Macedonia To Cause Extremely Bloody Conflict

The Serbian military just recently confiscated thousands of machine guns, rifles, grenades and mortars that were being transported from...

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Unheard Of And Unthinkable: Turkey Reveals That Hamas Terrorist
Organization Just Ditched The Muslim Brotherhood And Is READY To
Recognize Israel
Unheard Of And Unthinkable: Turkey Reveals That Hamas Terrorist Organization Just Ditched The Muslim Brotherhood And Is READY To Recognize Israel

By Walid Shoebat If you plug "Hamas will recognize Israel" on Google, the only hit you will get is from  Shoebat.com.  You wi...

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The Turkish Government And The German Government Are Now Working
Together In Major Operation To Build Up Their Militaries
The Turkish Government And The German Government Are Now Working Together In Major Operation To Build Up Their Militaries

The Turkish government and the German government are now working together in a major operation to increase their arms manufacturing and...

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Franklin Graham Goes To Iraq, And Meets With Muslim Iranian Militias,
And They Tell Him: "We Are Here To Kill ISIS, And After We Kill ISIS,
We’re Going To Kill Americans”
Franklin Graham Goes To Iraq, And Meets With Muslim Iranian Militias, And They Tell Him: "We Are Here To Kill ISIS, And After We Kill ISIS, We’re Going To Kill Americans”

Franklin Graham was in Iraq recently and recounted how he and his team met with Iranian militias who are fighting ISIS, and how they re...

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Once Secret Christian Converts From Islam In Morocco Now Demanding
Right To Openly Profess Christ
Once Secret Christian Converts From Islam In Morocco Now Demanding Right To Openly Profess Christ

Being a Christian is dangerous anywhere in the Muslim world. This is especially true in Morocco, which is not only more than 99% Muslim...

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