In a story out of India, there is a movement of Muslim parents who have been publicly denouncing and cursing their children who go off and join ISIS:Some Indian families condemned their children who left to fight for the Islamic State terror gro…
Communist Government Is Stunned And Left Helpless As Tens Of Millions Of Chinese Embrace Christ As Their Savior
The Chinese Communists have tried relentlessly to stop Christianity from spreading, but the harder they have pushed back the more it has grown. Once scarcely over a million adherently in 1949, tens of millions of Chinese are becoming Christians …

Muslims Threaten Christian Pastor With Death After They Murder His Mother, Destroy His Church, His House And His Farm
Muslims threatened a Ugandan pastor with death after they murdered his mother, destroyed his church, his home and his farm. As we read in one report:A pastor in eastern Uganda is without his home, farm and church building after Muslim extremists…

Muslim Gangs Angry With Christian Pastor For Building A Church Attack Him With Clubs, Hunt Down His Mother And Poison Her To Death, Then Destroy His Farm And Burn His Church Down
Pastor Christopher Kalaja is from a predominately Muslims area in Uganda. Recently, he decided to build a church on his farm. The local Muslims, who already did not like him because he was a Christian, lashed out with fury. They attacked the pas…

Hear Ye Hear Ye King Cyrus The Great The Donald Trump Sends Out A Statement About Christian Genocide To All Americans And To The Whole Earth About A Half Million Massacred Christians
A boy looks at a mural commemorating the 1915 Armenian Genocide on Hollywood Boulevard near a rally on the 99th anniversary of the event, calling for recognition and reparationsLast year Obama sent out this statement regarding the Armenian Remem…

Germany And Turkey Are Creating The Migration Crises In Europe To Bring Back Nazism And To Destroy Christendom. In The End The Muslim Ottoman Empire Will Unite With Protestants To Butcher Catholics And Orthodox Christians
By Theodore Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special)Turkey butchered millions in the early twentieth century. But so did Germany! And I am not speaking about the Jewish Holocaust, but what is sidelined in Holocaust memorials and Hollywood movies, the mi…