What The Media Is Not Telling You: The Dark Conspiracy Behind Fox News
Removing Bill O'Reilly
What The Media Is Not Telling You: The Dark Conspiracy Behind Fox News Removing Bill O'Reilly

Fox News just got rid of Bill O'Reilly, and as I see it, this is part of a conspiracy to advance the homosexual agenda and to also ...

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Bible Prophecy Fulfilling At Alarming Speed: Turkey Is Declaring That
They Are "The Beast Rising Out Of The Dead"
Bible Prophecy Fulfilling At Alarming Speed: Turkey Is Declaring That They Are "The Beast Rising Out Of The Dead"

By Walid Shoebat When I read the news from Erdogan's demonic mouthpiece these days, the words seem to jump right out of prophecy, r...

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National Socialists And Communists Battle In The Streets Of Berkeley-
We Are Reliving 1930s Germany Today
National Socialists And Communists Battle In The Streets Of Berkeley- We Are Reliving 1930s Germany Today

We have repeatedly maintained that based on historical precedent and by trends taking place today and in spite of all of the rhetoric a...

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Saudi Arabia Destroys 25-Year-Old Public Sculpture Because It 'Looked
Like A Christian Cross'
Saudi Arabia Destroys 25-Year-Old Public Sculpture Because It 'Looked Like A Christian Cross'

The hatred for Christ and all things even resembling Christianity runs deep in the Muslim world. Do not be fooled by outward gestures o...

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ISIS Slaughters One And Injures Four Policemen In Attempted Attack On
Ancient Christian Monastery
ISIS Slaughters One And Injures Four Policemen In Attempted Attack On Ancient Christian Monastery

St. Catherine's monastery in Egypt is one of the oldest monasteries in the world. ISIS has pledged to wipe out Christianity from Eg...

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Muslims Go On Rampage, Form A Mob And Attack Random Christians, They
Throw Stones At The Christians And Burn Their Homes
Muslims Go On Rampage, Form A Mob And Attack Random Christians, They Throw Stones At The Christians And Burn Their Homes

Muslims in Egypt went on a rampage, burning down Christian homes and throwing stones at Christians. In a recent report on this horror...

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