Burmese Military Arrests And Jails Christian Pastors On Bogus Charges
And Without Trial For Months
Burmese Military Arrests And Jails Christian Pastors On Bogus Charges And Without Trial For Months

While primarily a Buddhist country, Burma is one nation where Christians are severely persecuted for the last 60 years. Christians and ...

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Iraqi Christians Declare To The West 'Please, We Don't Want To Return
To Iraq Because We Have Been Through Enough'
Iraqi Christians Declare To The West 'Please, We Don't Want To Return To Iraq Because We Have Been Through Enough'

While there has been much talk about returning Iraqi Christian refugees to their homes, we at Shoebat.com have been saying that is irre...

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What The Media Is Not Showing You: Years Ago, Islamic Rebels In Syria
Were Testing Chemical Weapons On Rabbits Before Using Them On Humans
What The Media Is Not Showing You: Years Ago, Islamic Rebels In Syria Were Testing Chemical Weapons On Rabbits Before Using Them On Humans

By Theodore Shoebat and Walid Shoebat In 2012, Shoebat.com revealed how Islamic rebels in Syria were testing chemical weapons on rabbi...

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The Islamic Government Of Sudan Plans On Destroying Twenty Five
Christian Churches. Christians Gather Together To Protest, And Muslims
Attack Them And Stab One Church Elder To Death
The Islamic Government Of Sudan Plans On Destroying Twenty Five Christian Churches. Christians Gather Together To Protest, And Muslims Attack Them And Stab One Church Elder To Death

The Islamic government of Sudan is planning to destroy twenty five Christian churches. Christians recently gathered together to protest...

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Trump Betrays His Supporters And Syria's Christians, Goes All In To
Support Islamic Terrorists, The Neocon Swamp, And Its Evil Agenda
Trump Betrays His Supporters And Syria's Christians, Goes All In To Support Islamic Terrorists, The Neocon Swamp, And Its Evil Agenda

This attack by President Trump is an act of outright betrayal. Let's not mince words- he made a promise that he would not worsen th...

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What The Media Is Not Telling You About Who Is Behind The Chemical
Attack: Muslim Rebels Were Behind The Chemical Attack And Now The Us
Government Is Using It To Justify Bombing Syria
What The Media Is Not Telling You About Who Is Behind The Chemical Attack: Muslim Rebels Were Behind The Chemical Attack And Now The Us Government Is Using It To Justify Bombing Syria

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Exclusive) So what is the truth behind this chemical attack that never circulates the western media? Lets exa...

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