Trump Followers Are Now Defending Pedophilia And Bowing Down To The God
Of Sodom And Gomorrah
Trump Followers Are Now Defending Pedophilia And Bowing Down To The God Of Sodom And Gomorrah

Trump followers in America are now defending pedophilia and bowing down to the god of Sodom and Gomorrah. I did a whole video on this:

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Disney Channel Is Now Teaching Homosexuality To Children, Christians In
America Must Resist And Fight Against This Evil
Disney Channel Is Now Teaching Homosexuality To Children, Christians In America Must Resist And Fight Against This Evil

By Theodore Shoebat Disney is now teaching homosexuality to children, and good Christians in America are resisting this evil. I did a w...

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Man From Africa Rescues Two Children From A Burning House In England,
Now The British Government Wants To Deport Him
Man From Africa Rescues Two Children From A Burning House In England, Now The British Government Wants To Deport Him

Robert Chilowa, pictured with his letters from Serco, ran out of his house barefoot when he heard screams in the early hours of 10 Febr...

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What The Media Is Not Telling You: The Greatest Threat To America
Coming From Turkey Who Is Working With The American Left To Usher In An
Islamic Empire
What The Media Is Not Telling You: The Greatest Threat To America Coming From Turkey Who Is Working With The American Left To Usher In An Islamic Empire

By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special) What is the greatest threat to America? ISIS ? The Muslim Immigrants ? Obamacare ? Political ...

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Man In Germany Murders His Own Grandmother, When Police Officers Try To
Stop Him, He Murders The Cops
Man In Germany Murders His Own Grandmother, When Police Officers Try To Stop Him, He Murders The Cops

A man in Germany murdered his own grandmother, when two police officers tried to stop him the murdered them by running them over with h...

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Muslims Attack Five Christians And Execute All Of Them, They Take
Another Two Christians, Burn Them Alive And Throw Their Bodies Onto The
Muslims Attack Five Christians And Execute All Of Them, They Take Another Two Christians, Burn Them Alive And Throw Their Bodies Onto The Street

It looks like Egypt is turning into another Iraq or Syria in which Christians and others have been being butchered and enslaved. In Egy...

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