Malik Higenyi was a respected Muslim Sheikh in his village, and he and his family gave up everything after they became Christians. Recently his 60-year-old mother, learning about his conversion, also became a Christian too. However, when his rel…
The German Government Now Wants To Extend Its Border Patrol Into Other European Countries. This Is All A Sign Of A Coming War With Germany
The German government now wants to extend its border patrol into other European nations. This is just another side of a coming war with Germany:According to the report:The German government wants to extend border control in the Schengen zone bec…

While Muslim Violence Against Christians In Europe Is So Bad Governments Are Putting Up Barricades To Stop Them From Rioting Or Setting Off Bombs, Christians Are Self-Censoring Out Of Fear Of 'Offending The Sensibilities Of The Muslims'
Muslim Violence in Europe is out of control. The reports keep pouring in of daily rapes, attacks, and violence for no reason other than for Islam and out of hatred for Christ. That hatred is so bad that Christmas celebrations across Europe are h…

'Unknown Persons' Go On Massive Anti-Christian Rampage In Germany And Destroy, Deface, Or Behead Over 50 Christian Crosses And Statues Of Jesus
Coesfeld in a city in a heavily Catholic area and also the most populated state of Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia. It is also the most heavily Muslim area of Germany, as 1 in 3 Muslims in the country live there.Therefore, given the increasing a…

Muslims Are Already Worshipping Erdogan. Is Erdogan The Antichrist? Does He Fit All The Scriptural Proofs?
By Walid Shoebat (Shoebat Sunday Special PART I)Holy Smokes! Is this man, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Antichrist, who will demand worship in the Temple of God? Heck, Erdoğan is already accepting to be worshipped. But people still insist asking me:…

Muslim Terrorist Bombs Christian Church, Slaughters Twenty Two Christians And Injures Thirty Five More, Blood And Carnage Are All Over The Floors
An Islamic bomb attack against a church in Egypt,St Mark's Cathedral, has left twenty two Christians dead and thirty five more injured. was able to find a video of the attack: Several videos of the horror have been found: According…