ISIS Releases Video Threatening To Assassinate President Elect Donald
Trump And Declares 'Trump Is A Donkey And We Will Destroy Him And
America On The Battlefield'
ISIS Releases Video Threatening To Assassinate President Elect Donald Trump And Declares 'Trump Is A Donkey And We Will Destroy Him And America On The Battlefield'

Muslims are scared to death of President elect Trump. It was only a matter of time before there were open threats to kill him, especial...

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Muslim Declares War On Christmas Becomes Demonically Possessed Then
Dies With Utter Horror On His Face Proving That All Who Hate Christmas
Do Not Want To Make America GREAT AGAIN
Muslim Declares War On Christmas Becomes Demonically Possessed Then Dies With Utter Horror On His Face Proving That All Who Hate Christmas Do Not Want To Make America GREAT AGAIN

By Walid Shoebat (A Shoebat Christmas Special) When the world renown anti-Christian, Muslim zealot, Ahmad Deedat, like a rabid dog, con...

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Muslims Fly Into Demonic Rage After Rumors That Christians Applied To
Build A Church, They Attack The Christians With Rifles And Set Their
Houses On Fire And Turn Off The Water So Their Homes Burn To The Ground
While Praising Allah
Muslims Fly Into Demonic Rage After Rumors That Christians Applied To Build A Church, They Attack The Christians With Rifles And Set Their Houses On Fire And Turn Off The Water So Their Homes Burn To The Ground While Praising Allah

Muslims are notorious for using rumors as an excuse to murder Christians. Here Muslims recently went on murderous rampage against Chris...

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Slovakian Government Declares 'Islam Has No Place In Slovakia', Takes A
Stand Against Islam And Changes The Laws To Block Islam From Being
Officially Recognized As A Religion
Slovakian Government Declares 'Islam Has No Place In Slovakia', Takes A Stand Against Islam And Changes The Laws To Block Islam From Being Officially Recognized As A Religion

Muslims have bragged for years that they would use the religious freedom laws of Europe and America to subvert and conquer them from wi...

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Muslim Sheikh And His Family Abandon Islam For Christ, Muslims Find Out
And Severely Beat Him With Clubs, Destroy His House And Say 'We Curse
You And Your Family, You Are An Apostate And Deserve To Die'
Muslim Sheikh And His Family Abandon Islam For Christ, Muslims Find Out And Severely Beat Him With Clubs, Destroy His House And Say 'We Curse You And Your Family, You Are An Apostate And Deserve To Die'

He once was the Muslim leader of his village, but after meeting in secret with a Christian pastor he and his wife and children renounce...

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European Convert To Islam Working In German Intelligence And Planning
Terrorist Attacks Is A Homosexual And Gay Porn Actor
European Convert To Islam Working In German Intelligence And Planning Terrorist Attacks Is A Homosexual And Gay Porn Actor

We've said it before and we will say it again- Islam does, and always will support homosexuality. Hence it is of no surprise to us...

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