ISIS Takes 300 Iraqi Policemen, Beheads Them And Dumps Their Bodies In
A Mass Grave
ISIS Takes 300 Iraqi Policemen, Beheads Them And Dumps Their Bodies In A Mass Grave

In another act of savagery, ISIS terrorists kidnapped 300 Iraqi policemen and viciously beheaded them before throwing their bodies into...

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Muslim Invaders Declare To Christian Translator 'We Hate Christians And
Will Take Over And Destroy You All By Outbreeding You'
Muslim Invaders Declare To Christian Translator 'We Hate Christians And Will Take Over And Destroy You All By Outbreeding You'

  A translator who has worked with Muslim for years has exposed a secret that many have confessed to her- the Muslims intend to take ov...

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"I'm killing them, LOL" -- The Text Of A Woman In Pennsylvania Who
Suffocated Her Son To Death And Tried To Murder Her Own Daughter. She
Even Sent A Video Of The Dead Child To Her Husband
"I'm killing them, LOL" -- The Text Of A Woman In Pennsylvania Who Suffocated Her Son To Death And Tried To Murder Her Own Daughter. She Even Sent A Video Of The Dead Child To Her Husband

Christian Clark, the murderer of her own children A woman in Pennsylvania suffocated her own son to death and tried to murder her own d...

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Woman In Indiana Murders Her Own Two Children, And Feels Absolutely No
Remorse About It
Woman In Indiana Murders Her Own Two Children, And Feels Absolutely No Remorse About It

Brandi Worley, and her two children who she would eventually murder. Whats disturbing is that her eyes are no different than those of a...

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Man In Texas Stabs Sixteen Year Old Girl Fifty Times
Man In Texas Stabs Sixteen Year Old Girl Fifty Times

Jesse Dobbs, the murderer A man in Texas stabbed a 16 year old girl to death, as we read in one report: A Southeast Texas man accused o...

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Married UK Woman Gets Gang Raped In Dubai And She Reports It To Police,
They Arrest Her And She May Face The Death Penalty For Adultery
Married UK Woman Gets Gang Raped In Dubai And She Reports It To Police, They Arrest Her And She May Face The Death Penalty For Adultery

In a normal society, if you are raped then the police find the rapist, arrest him, and he goes on trial. Not so in the Muslim world. As...

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