Presidential advisor Sidney Blumenthal, center, departs Capitol Hill after being deposed by House prosecutors Wednesday, Feb. 3, 1999
But now we know one of the reasons why Hillary wanted a private server. Through the Jewish Blumenthal and even his two sons, Hillary was under constant undue-influence and pressure to trust and believe un-vetted opinions titled as "facts" from supposedly "trustworthy" "secret sources" from "sources close to governments". As it turns out, it was all third-hand rumors guised as 'reliable' and 'confidential' which formed the judgments of one of U.S. government’s most powerful figures.
So if the issue at hand was the nation of lets say, Kyrgyzstan, Blumenthal would send Hillary some radio jockey's (Scott Horton) report: "Scott Horton has just returned from a week in Kyrgyzstan, where he held lengthy private conversations with a range of leaders."
What "range of leaders" was simply bogus. All Blumenthals contacts supposedly had 'inside intel', they are supposedly well connected to all the higher-ups. Despite his untrustworthiness and his opportunism, the Blumenthal's had a lion-share of Hillary leaked emails. They continued their influence over Hillary by even having Max, Sidney's son, one of America’s most notorious Israel haters, continually corresponding with Hillary influencing her mind. She loved his unsubstantiated articles and responded very favorably to them. With a private server they can now bash anyone who does not agree. Even Shoebat.com was not immune from reaching Hillary who was interested to later spread all sorts of slander on us.
Blumenthal's writings was the springboard to Max’s anti-Semitic Goliath, comparing Israel to the Nazis, even calling for the expulsion of the Jews from Israel, while comparing the Israel Defense Forces to the SS. Hillary was obliged to respond with favor:
7/6/2010 – “Pls print 5 copies but w/out heading from Sid.”
8/17/2010 – “Pls congratulate Max for another impressive piece. He’s so good.”
11/18/2010- “A very smart piece as usual.”
4/7/2011 – “Will Max’s piece be published anywhere else? It is powerful and touching.” 12/23/2011 – “Max strikes again!”
1/21/2012 – “Interesting reading.”
9/13/2012 “Your Max is a mitzvah!”
12/7/2012 – “Good stuff. Where is he now?”
Hillary's favorite reports were Max's, sent to her via his father Sidney, especially one that raised our eyebrow, on tracking 'the dangerous Islamophobist Cabal' revealing Shoebat as one, where Hillary requested the report printed for her read. Reports that attempt to minuscule the whistle blowers as "whacky" is written by Max who signs his name "Blumenthal, The Great".
"I'm at the post office but Huma has this printed for you" responds Monica Hanley regarding the report on us and the other dangerous 'phobes'.
Literally, hundreds of missive emails sent to Hillary completely re-brainwashing an already brainwashed buffoon with all sorts of conspiracy theories and untrustworthy information.
And if Max Blumenthal was 'like father like son', Huma was 'like mother like daughter' and was not much different from the Blumenthals. The true color of Huma was revealed when one major Hillary Clinton Jewish donor, Haim Saban, in one article complimented Hillary (its how you get in) while stating that there needs to be more scrutiny on Muslim immigrants, Abedin, the filter, was not thoroughly pleased, of course, and had to chime in scolding the Jew who had some anti-Muslim immigration ideas:
“Good interview. Thanks for sharing. But what you are saying about Muslims not consistent with HRC. Are you aware of that?”
In other words, if you want to get through to Hillary, Huma was the gate-keeper and an 'open sesame' requires that everyone say the magic words about Islam or say something nasty about Israel.
Including all the anti-Israel reports will take an entire book. Yet when it came to Christians, we find nothing, not even a scant of services. Hillary would not reprimand Philippe Reines on his "mother teresa" comment calling Christians "those crazy right". In an email by Reines sent to Hillary and copied to Huma regarding a Catholic orphanage, an adoption ministry, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hailed as "a home she helped open with Mother Teresa" was closed down by red tape, Reines writes Hillary:
Just FYI on the below, from one of those crazy right "magazines" - notes that the home you referenced in your Prayer Breakfast remarks has since closed.
There was no reprimand by Hillary to the type of language her advisor used. When it was a Christian publication, it was always dubbed "crazy right".
But perhaps satanism amongst the elites (and after reviewing the emails) is no longer conspiracy theory. The leaks from Colin Powel's phone and Wikileaks match emails from Blumenthal to Hillary:
"I had lunch yesterday with Philip Bobbitt, who told me he had recently been at the Bohemian Grove and had lunch there with Kissinger and Colin Powell."
Even the reputable National Geographic refers to the Bohemian Grove as having some pagan rituals and included the photos. Perhaps all the Free-Masonry theories about starting revolutions which I doubted as 'conspiracy theory' do have merit that what we are dealing with here are satanic elitists who call all truth 'conspiracy theory'.
There was not one comment revering Christianity or anything Christian. In reality, what difference does it make whether Huma bows to a black stone, like the ancient Jews of the Sinai, who switched from their God Yahweh and bowed to a golden calf, or the elites bowing to Molech or an owl at the Bohemian Grove. It all shows, for one to get ahead, they must first ensure their names are first blotted out from the book of life. Indeed, there is neither Jew nor Gentile, there is only good or evil.
Vanity of vanities. But here comes the beefy tostada, that every American who votes, need to start paying close attention to. The “best way to help Israel” is to start a war in Syria was Blumenthal's grand idea. Anyone is welcome to access Wikileaks and see:
"The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad."
Finally, every American now can snoop into the elitist thinking, to see how camel dung is made, processed, and fed to American liberal buffoons who hate America's Christianity. Today is the day (just days before the election), we can remind you that 'we told you so'.
In an email sent by Sidney Blumenthal to Hilary Clinton suggesting that Iran would lose "its only ally" in the Middle East if the Syrian regime collapses. Our snooping into Hillary's emails allows us to look into the Israeli political debate in 2012, where the decisions made caused an outcome making Iran stronger than ever. And despite the disastrous Syrian civil war with hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced, Clinton still clung to the formula like Hitler clung to the trains, opting to transfer Jews to the crematoria than reverse course to save his nation. Likewise, Hillary continues on the destructive path. The email on 11/30/2015 reveals everything we need to know about Hillary and her gang's mindset.

And when it comes to Syria's revolution sparked by the Free Syrian Army who were truly nothing more than Muslim Brotherhood, Islamist Jihadi rebels, who wanted to establish a Sharia driven government, Hillary would obtain the analysis from her henchman and aide, Robert Russo, regarding the makeup of the rebels. And just as the typical Muslims on the streets would do, Hillary instead of relying on CIA reports, obtained Al-Jazeera's false narrative. This even excited Hillary that the FSA "are not fighting for Islam but they are [only] inspired by it". The subject title for Hillary would read "MUST READ ON COMPOSITION OF SYRIAN FSA".
The rebels in Syria were painted as 'partial Islamists' who do not believe in imposing Sharia law, but only used Jihad as a means of warfare against Bashar's tyranny.
Many times Hillary would be in hibernation mode as the gang sent her dosages of mind forming articles from Al-Jazeera clips about how the Muslim world do not really hate the U.S. and that the real problem were strictly the Arab regimes that needed uprooting. Hillary would thank them for the info:
"Sorry I'm so far behind in responding-and thanking you-for forwarding this to us. The last month has been a whirlwind which is not likely to calm down ..."
The gang would encourage her with more flattery:
"You of all people NEVER need to apologize. Truly can't wait until you are out and I can work with you again on issues we both think are so important."
The agents were less than crystal clear about anything, blaming innocent scapegoats and creating phony alibis, while mixing truths with lies. Truths like the Bush 'no WMD' in Iraq, which indeed was a faulty conclusion, but that the best way to fight Al-Qaeda is to continue Bush's scandalous legacy, to destroy Iraq while they also destroy Tunisia, Libya and Egypt too ...
So under the guise of 'aiding Israel' they called to 'destroy Syria'.
Reading these emails reveal just how ugly is the reality we live in, that the best way to remove any secular government in the Muslim world was to install an Islamist one. In an indication of her murderous and psychopathic nature, Buffoon Hillary, also wrote back in December 31, 2012, that it was the “right thing” to personally threaten Bashar Assad’s family with death. Even the New York Times revealed this and began to pick up on more:
Blumenthal’s memos, often appending a note: “Useful insight” or “We should get this around asap.” In an August 2012 memo, Mr. Blumenthal described the new president of Libya, Mohamed Magariaf, as someone who would “seek a discrete relationship with Israel” and had “many common friends and associates with the leaders of Israel.” “If true, this is encouraging,” Mrs. Clinton wrote to Mr. Sullivan. “Should consider passing to Israelis.”
Blumenthal would send emails with outlandish subject titles like "Subject: H[illary]: HIGHLY IMPORTANT! COMPREHENSIVE INTEL REPORT ON LIBYA. AND DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER. SID"
Hillary responds with "I'm happy to report that". The key bait given to Hillary to believe these reports and approve them was this style:
"Speaking on condition of absolute secrecy, a source with access to the Office of the President stated that during late December 2012 Magariaf and Zidan agreed that they must move quickly to deal with these problematic issues before they can address their long term strategy of developing productive diplomatic and business relationships with their neighboring states in North Africa, Western Europe and the United States."
Blumenthal wanted business opportunities in Libya and Hillary was the key. The terminology to make Hillary believe was the use of jargon used by phony reports "confidential" "absolute secrecy" "sensitive sources" "According to a very sensitive source" and "In the opinion of this sensitive source" "Extremely sensitive sources" to even "Sources with direct access to the governments of Libya and Israel, as well as the highest levels of European governments, and Western Intelligence and security services ..."
It was all bogus, the type of charade one find in Nigerian scams or DEBKAFile reports that come from supposedly Israeli intelligence where no serious sources are given.
Buffoon Hillary would get her intel from the conspiracy theorist, Blumenthal, who claimed that Libya's Magariaf has plans and connections to make peace with Israel. The Buffoon had no clue, Magariaf has no links to Israel whatsoever. It was all a hoax, undue influence on a left-wing loon.
Regarding the Egyptian revolution, the reports were void of the fact that the revolution was in reality a Muslim Brotherhood takeover. In one report Blumenthal even displays a fanciful victory against the Muslim Brotherhood by "nationalist football hooligans known as the Ultras".
It was as if the football hooligans represented the revolution. The key was to finagle the truth, use sophist and complicated jargon as to sound legit, and keep Hillary believing a fantasy, that Egyptians are tired of the tyranny of both, Hosni Mubarak as well as the Muslim Brotherhood, while explaining that is why they are staging a rebellion in Egypt.
Truth is, the unrest was fomented by Washington and it was clearly a Muslim Brotherhood uprising as we have warned in the initial stages as the outcome was revealed later when it was too late. For example on the faulty labeling of terrorists as 'moderate', in one report to Hillary, Blumenthal writes:
I have included below a private report from "Stratfor" that underscores that Syria is attacking the moderate wing of Hamas and the Palestinian accord.
The simplistic labels worked. Hillary never asked is there a 'moderate wing of Hamas' and a 'moderate wing of Al-Qaeda' and a 'moderate wing of the Nazi party'? Yet nowhere in Strafor's report does it even use such oxymoronic terms.
And how Hillary was obtaining her influence on everything Middle East came strictly from this un-penetrable little circle.
"The analysis on events in Egypt ring true to me" Hillary responds to one of her aide henchwomen, Anne-Marie Slaughter. The latter was acting like a college student, all excited about her dissertation as to why Egypt needs a populace control instead of the current structure, objecting why Egyptian heads of state were 'military' rulers and not 'civilians'.
Slaughter according to her bio: “From 2009–2011 she served as director of Policy Planning for the United States Department of State, the first woman to hold that position”. But when the results were disastrous since the real world at times is not explained by just bookworms, like Hillary's Benghazi fiasco, it was Mrs. Slaughter who sends Hillary the ointment, more deception that the rebels in Libya really love America: