Two Police Officers In Iowa Ambushed And Slaughtered By Satan Worshipper
Two Police Officers In Iowa Ambushed And Slaughtered By Satan Worshipper

Two police officers in Iowa were ambushed and slaughtered by an evil and demonic Satan worshipper. Justin Martin, 24, and Des Moines Po...

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Secret Emails From Hillary Clinton Reveal: There Is A Very Powerful
Circle Of People Ruling Over Hillary Who Hate Christians And Who Are
Now Executing A Plan To Annihilate Christians And Advance Islam
Secret Emails From Hillary Clinton Reveal: There Is A Very Powerful Circle Of People Ruling Over Hillary Who Hate Christians And Who Are Now Executing A Plan To Annihilate Christians And Advance Islam

By Walid Shoebat (share and send to every American voter, a must read) Reading through Hillary and her 'gang' leaked emails, gi...

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ISIS Takes Three Prisoners, Stabs The First One Repeatedly In The Neck,
Slits The Second One's Throat And Then Blows Up The Third One With A
Tank On Camera
ISIS Takes Three Prisoners, Stabs The First One Repeatedly In The Neck, Slits The Second One's Throat And Then Blows Up The Third One With A Tank On Camera

ISIS has just released a new video with brutal executions of three men. The first one is stabbed to death in the neck repeatedly before...

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"A Society Which Cannot Defend Its Own Children Has No Future"-
President Vladimir Putin Shreds European Elites In Speech For Allowing
Muslims To Invade Through Immigration
"A Society Which Cannot Defend Its Own Children Has No Future"- President Vladimir Putin Shreds European Elites In Speech For Allowing Muslims To Invade Through Immigration

Russian President Vladimir Putin ripped European Union officials allowing Muslims to invade through immigration laws. Saying the harshe...

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Eight Muslim Suicide Bombers With A Truck Full Of Explosives Try To
Barge Through Military Checkpoint, One Of Them Accidentally Sets Off
His Vest And Blows Up All Of Them
Eight Muslim Suicide Bombers With A Truck Full Of Explosives Try To Barge Through Military Checkpoint, One Of Them Accidentally Sets Off His Vest And Blows Up All Of Them

Wearing bombs is always a bad idea. Muslim terrorists, even suicide bombers consistently forget this, and many times they end up blowin...

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Thirty Police Officers In China Surround Christian Church And Declare
This Message: 'You Must Stop Worshipping Christ'
Thirty Police Officers In China Surround Christian Church And Declare This Message: 'You Must Stop Worshipping Christ'

Thirty police officers in China surrounded a Christian church and demanded that the congregation cease worshipping Christ. According to...

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