Thirty Police Officers In China Surround Christian Church And Declare
This Message: 'You Must Stop Worshipping Christ'
Thirty Police Officers In China Surround Christian Church And Declare This Message: 'You Must Stop Worshipping Christ'

Thirty police officers in China surrounded a Christian church and demanded that the congregation cease worshipping Christ. According to...

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Muslims Take Three Christians And Tell Them To Convert To Islam, They
Refuse And The Muslims Execute Them, They Take A Christian Pastor And
Behead Him, Fifteen More Christians Are Beheaded And Shot For
Worshipping Christ
Muslims Take Three Christians And Tell Them To Convert To Islam, They Refuse And The Muslims Execute Them, They Take A Christian Pastor And Behead Him, Fifteen More Christians Are Beheaded And Shot For Worshipping Christ

A recent report has come out giving horrific details of the Christian persecution being done by ISIS in Syria. Within the report is a r...

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Major Muslim Leader Declares In Canada- 'Donald Trump Cannot Stop The
Muslims- If He Is Elected We Will Rise Up And Start A Civil War'
Major Muslim Leader Declares In Canada- 'Donald Trump Cannot Stop The Muslims- If He Is Elected We Will Rise Up And Start A Civil War'

Hazrat Mirza Ahmed, a major spiritual leader for the Muslim Ahmadi movement stated what Muslims have wanted and what many other have be...

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College Frat Boy Body Builder Gets High On 'Bath Salts,' Stabs Middle
Aged Couple To Death And Chews Their Faces Off While Fighting Off
Police With 'Superhuman' Strength, Screams '****ing Kill Me Now!'
College Frat Boy Body Builder Gets High On 'Bath Salts,' Stabs Middle Aged Couple To Death And Chews Their Faces Off While Fighting Off Police With 'Superhuman' Strength, Screams '****ing Kill Me Now!'

It's not superhuman strength- its demons: “What did you eat?” a sergeant asked. “Humans,” Harrouff replied. Harrouff, 19, faces two...

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'We Were Trying To Kill Christian Workers' Muslim Terrorists Attack
Guest House With Grenades And Murder 12 People
'We Were Trying To Kill Christian Workers' Muslim Terrorists Attack Guest House With Grenades And Murder 12 People

Muslim Terrorists From Al-Shabaab in Kenya attacked a guest house with grenades, and then boasted afterwards the only reason they did i...

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Woman In New Mexico Gets Sexual Enjoyment By Watching Men Rape Her
Daughter, She Drugs Her Daughter With Meth, A Man Then Rapes Her, And
They Dismember Her To Very Small Pieces
Woman In New Mexico Gets Sexual Enjoyment By Watching Men Rape Her Daughter, She Drugs Her Daughter With Meth, A Man Then Rapes Her, And They Dismember Her To Very Small Pieces

A deviant woman in New Mexico says that she enjoyed watching her daughter getting raped by other men. She and her boyfriend drugged her...

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